3 bike pictures from ists

Dave Peacock
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I got to the stunt riders as they were performing a warmup to a routine.
Took a lot of pictures but many are out of focus or completely covered in smoke from burnouts.
They were riding past me at what felt like 100mph so it was hard to get focused and get any shots... great fun though!

In one of the shots i got a bit close and almost got hit which was a funny moment.

Click for larger picture:

Click for larger picture:

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for some reason my ftp program doesnt like uploading these pics... the larger ones have uploaded fine so please click the links.

I can post up more if people like these pictures.

Like the last image just for the impact, I suppose this brought a whole new meaning to the "crop factor" if he nearly hit you. Thought these guys made a car show a little different.

Looks like you've used a fast shutter speed, could have tried something a little slower to get some more motion into the wheels, other than that clean iamges for me
yeah i wasnt prepared for them at all, we saw them doing a warmup so i ran over quickly to get some shots. I just stuck the camera on auto and fired away for a bit.

Next time i'll be doing as you say and slowing it down a bit, would be nice to get a blurry background.
I need to practice that though as they move fast and i dont want them to blur as well...
Good photos. I imagine that's what it would look like if I ever did my bike test.
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