3 images to form 1 picture

Edit My Images
Hi sorry dumb question whats the process called were you have 3 or 4 images across the picture and can you do it in cs4
my mind has gone blank done it in cs3 but can't remenber what its called
In CS3, click File-Automate-Photomerge. Keep Layout as auto, Click the Browse button, select your photos, ok and away you go. The result will be a bit raggy round the edges so crop it. Your individual pics should overlap, by about 20-30% so Phtoshop knows what attaches to what.
Tip - don't use a polarising filter as you will have uneven tones in the sky as you move the camera in relation to the sun. Use manual settings, focus manually so you don't have different depths of field. Use a tripod if possible, though I've taken some nice ones handheld.
I have a free copy of paint shop pro x, any one know if I can merge photos on this??
You can do it with Cs4 im far from experinced with photoshop and even ive managed to do it :LOL:


File / Automate / Photomerge click browse then go to the folder highlight the files click ok then ok again on next screen ....simple :D

Typical post you've done it when i post lol ah well suppose may help someone else
If you are wanting to do a Triptych using CS3/4 then you could download the Talk Photography scripts "Script Writer". Have a look in my signature and download them. They will do any panel of images 3 x 1 as a triptych or 1 x 3 as a vertical triptych but also 4x2, 7x3 .... whatever you like.
ah right i never knew they was called a triptych we have a picture in the bathroom thats one anyhow i never have heard of a triptych and its clearly not a Panorama as my photo is all blended into one wider photo