35mm Canon film cameras -which one ?

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I am selling off some of my MF cameras, and as I have a Canon 5D, I am wondering about a Canon film body - I am told the EOS 3 is a goodie - any advice or suggestions ?
It has to be able to use whatever lenses a 5D used, so no EF-S suggestions..?
so no EF-S suggestions..?

Well you'll be pleased to know that all 35mm cameras are..... well 35mm. ;) So you're fine with moving lenses across.

Some things change and some things never do. All the same rules apply to the film EOS cameras as to the digi cousins.

The 1 series are the dogs. The 3 and 5 have most of the speed and toys but without being able to drive home masonry nails and all the rest are still great cameras.
I've got a 3 and a 1n and I have to say the 3 is the one I use most of all.

The huge number of focus points is brilliant :clap: all the controls are fairly easy except for the CFns which are a bit of a pain.

The 1 series are really solid, but the 1n has only got 5 focus points, but they are quick. Also the 1n with a grip is a monster, but it feels so awesome in your hand.

If you have the money (not a lot but more than the really cheap ones) go for a 1 series, a 3 or a 5 as suggested, I don't really know about the rest of the range though I'm afraid
Another vote for the 3. Great camera. 5 is a bit older and doesn't have the 45 point AF. If I had a 1, I'd want a 1v and they're still pricey so I got a 3...
As above, 3 or 5 are great and lots of bargains now. I use a 50e at the moment which is pretty ok too and cheap as chips.
EOS3 for the win! I've got one which I really should sell as I never use it (I think I prefer to keep my film cameras really old school ;)). Drop me a PM if you're interested.
I have a 3 will never sell it, great camera :)
Sorry, not been able to get online much, but thanks for all the replies - looks like a 3 should be the one to go for - sl, any idea how they feel compared to say a 5d ?
And, why did I give away all my old film gear when I first got aware of digital ???

Some old fool
Gigantic sunglasses
Hippy hairdoos
Monkey boots

film...its the past, present and the future...I've seen it
its the new.....black

& white

all 35mm film cameras are what would be described as "full frame" on a digital camera, EF-S lenses are incompatable with film bodys

Does that also include the digitally optimised lens? e.g would my Tamron 90mm work on a film EOS 1 series 5/3 series, or 30/33/Elan?

I'm considering talking a city & guilds course and need a film camera with 50mm lens and flashgun. Which is a pain as my kit is currently a 400d with wide angle, macro and telephoto zooms. ah well.

Seen a Canon 5 with Sigma 70-210 in the local paper today for £65 which is tempting me.
i dont think DG (on sigma lenses) are a problem, although the DC branded lenses i believe are similar to the canon EF-S lenses (i.e digital only).

i dont know one iota about tamron lenses though, sorry