400 2.8 with 1.4 tc

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How do your pictures look with a 1.4 tc + 400 2.8. Do you use this combo often? I am trying to come to a conclusion to combine sport shooting with wildlife. Two lenses are a possibility - 200-400 f4 or 400 2.8. I need a sports lens but the zoom seems useful. Would the D3s ISO capabilities make up for the loss of an f stop using the 200-400 f4 particularly in a low light division 1 stadium mid November? Any thoughts? Cheers.
I have a 400 2.8 with 1.4x TC, and recently hired a 200-400 for a weekend of indoor athletics to see how it was. That was a big mistake!

It seems if the light is not perfect (ie outdoor sun) the 200-400 is going to be frustrating, although the new version is apparently better. The high ISO capabilities of the D3/D3s will not get around these AF issues.

I also tend to have problems with the converter when I need good autofocus performance in less than ideal light, so don't use it much. It's important to keep it completely clean as well - a barely visible fingerprint can ruin a shoot!

For wildlife again I think the zoom is less important than having good image quality and AF performance but it depends if your subject is still or not. The only benefits I can see for the 200-400 is size/weight, but others swear by it and love it for things like outdoor athletics.

Hope that answers your questions :)

If you have a quick hunt around Mark (Treeman), you'll find that Andy had exactly the same problem with it doing Rugby recently.

Moral of the story....

Switch to Canon!! :p :LOL:
I use the 400mm f/2.8 and 1.4x with a D3s and its stunning, no loss of IQ and no loss of AF Speed, i keep it on right up to ISO 3200 then just use the 400mm bareback

The 200-400 is a nice lens in nice conditions but is a dogs ******** to foucs in low/fading light at anything above 1250-1600 ISO IMHO

Was using the 400mm + 1.4x yesterday, if you want a few samples then email me to gary dot coyle @ sky dot com
How do your pictures look with a 1.4 tc + 400 2.8. Do you use this combo often? I am trying to come to a conclusion to combine sport shooting with wildlife. Two lenses are a possibility - 200-400 f4 or 400 2.8. I need a sports lens but the zoom seems useful. Would the D3s ISO capabilities make up for the loss of an f stop using the 200-400 f4 particularly in a low light division 1 stadium mid November? Any thoughts? Cheers.

The 400 handles the 1.4 nicely and the focal length is almost identical to using a 400 on a MKIII so should be fine for footy

The 200-400 is good during the day but i wouldn't use it under floodlights, unless they're Prem class it can't handle artificial lighting.
So the most expensive option it is then!! Cheers guys very much appreciate your thoughts and experience. Thanks for helping with the decision making. :) Now to tell the wife...I mean...ask the good lady.