400mm /2.8 non IS - opinions please

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As per the title, has anyone used the 400/2.8 non IS MkI and if so what did you think of it please? Preferably on a reasonably modern camera?

Thanks! :)
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*cough* *splutter*

Are you feeling well Gary?????? :D

AF speed is OK for RU/RL/Footie then?
Graham (Snapzz) used to have one....He will be around later to comment but if I recall correctly he really rated it ..Football and figure skating ...
Talk of the devil - is your x2II still up for grabs, because I might be interested in that as well?

(I'll be replying in the appropriate thread of course! :) )
Still use a 400 2.8 Mk2, the best lens I have ever bought.

Blows everything else out of the water, mind you my 300 2.8 IS gives it a run for its money.

Just be aware MK 1 & 2 non-is spares are hard to come by now.
I used to use one on the eos 1 back in the dark ages of film. It could keep up with premiership football no problem, but once the later versions came out there was a noticeable increase in the af speed
Talking of EOS1, I still have one but only use it for b&w film, still takes stunning photos though.
Talk of the devil - is your x2II still up for grabs, because I might be interested in that as well?

(I'll be replying in the appropriate thread of course! :) )

I'm not the Devil ! ! !

I archived it as there was no interest...I can re-list if you want ..

Off to bed now ...busy busy day !!
*cough* *splutter*

Are you feeling well Gary?????? :D

AF speed is OK for RU/RL/Footie then?
Aye it was great, i moved it on and bought an IS model as Canon wouldnt service it and didnt hold any parts either.

Personally i wouldnt touch one with a bargepole now, too old and if it breaks youve got an expensive doorstep
Graham (Snapzz) used to have one....He will be around later to comment but if I recall correctly he really rated it ..Football and figure skating ...

Yep had one for a few years was mk2 not mk1 though. Sold it to Helen (hjwatso1) and as far as I know she's still using it.
Surely you've got to have IS with a 400mm? I guess if you're using it on a tripod then it'll be ok.

The Bokeh on it must be outstanding though.
I've still got my mk2 which I'm v.pleased I didn't sell. It's jolly lovely.

You only lucked out because I didn't have the funds then! :razz: :D

Still humming and har'ing over this one, as it's a MkI rather than a MkII.

I've also found a MkII for sale if the poster ever responds.

Thanks for the replies guys.
By way of a follow up to this thread (and at the risk of getting sledged), as usual I took my own slightly different path!

I'm mainly going to shooting news material (bolstered by some sport) and as such 6kg is a huge beastie to lug about.

In the end I plumped for one of the new Sig 120-300 OS's based on flexibility, portability and being able to take an extender well (reportedly). If anyone is interested the results are here:


and the lens will have its first footie outing next week.

Obviously I'd love to be able to afford a 400mm as well (preferably the IS II :D ) but that's just not on the cards at the moment.

Many thanks for the input and advice. It certainly wasn't ignored, just tempered with practicality!
Mark, I'm glad you got sorted out with the MKIV and it also looks like the 120-300OS is doing a good job for you. Only done equestrian a few times, shooting for other eventers but I think the images in the link are very good and I guess you are more than happy with the new kit ?
Just a fraction Tug. It was a bit of a gamble, but I've been following reports and testing of the lens since it was finally released a couple of months ago. It really is everything that Sigma should have produced from the outset, but I'd guess that it's taken their development team a while to catch up with the two main producers (or to copy them if some reports are to be believed!).
I had an earlier version but I was not 100% confident in it ...But it was at a time when I was still experimenting and on a steep learning curve... I may try one of the later versions again now...to compliment the 400mm 2.8...The 70-200mk2 with the 1.4TC produces some excellent results...however the extra stop the Sigma offers may just swing it...

What is it like wide open at 300mm ?
What is it like wide open at 300mm ?

Dozy so-and-so!!! :D


With 1.4x


Those are superb images.
Mark, I have got a 400mm 2.8 IS. I find it only useful on panning (IS mode 2), otherwise it stays on off.

Those are superb images.

Cheers Rob

Mark, I have got a 400mm 2.8 IS. I find it only useful on panning (IS mode 2), otherwise it stays on off.

Yup I realise that, but what a lot of people forget is that buying an IS version of a Canon lens often isn't about the stabilisation itself (especially in sports photography). It's more about the better optics, improved AF and USM, better weight distribution/lighter weight, the ability to get the lens serviced and repaired etc etc.
I had an earlier version but I was not 100% confident in it ...But it was at a time when I was still experimenting and on a steep learning curve... I may try one of the later versions again now...to compliment the 400mm 2.8...The 70-200mk2 with the 1.4TC produces some excellent results...however the extra stop the Sigma offers may just swing it...

What is it like wide open at 300mm ?

Have you got plans for any footy or rugby coverage with it Mark ?
Have you got plans for any footy or rugby coverage with it Mark ?

Football this Sunday which is my last official sports outing before starting my NCTJ course at the end of the month, although I'll obviously be trying to pick up some sports work down south to supplement my 'student' budget!

I'll post the results next week and will probably be working with the 120-300+1.4x on the MkIV and the 70-200II on the MkIII.
It will be interesting to see your results and hear your thoughts on that set up Mark, I shoot with a similar setup but use the 400 instead of the 120-300...