48" Canvas Print

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Morning all,

I have just had an order for a massive 48" canvas print. The file I have shot is off a 5D Mark III, so around 23megapixels and is uncropped.

I have run it through the upload software, and it has reported that my dpi will be around 150dpi at this size, and quality will be fair/good, rather than good or excellent.

I have never uprezzed an image and know nothing about it, but would that be something that could help me out here, or am I stuck?

Many thanks in advance
What editing software do you have?
Not sure thats going to help. The file I want to print is full size (I dont want to crop it), and its dimensions are that of a full RAW 5D Mark III file..whatever that is.

I have saved it as a JPEG and uploaded to this software, which has told me that at 48" print size, the DPI is 150, which is only scoring medium quality.

What I wanted to know is if its possible to enlarge the file (by upscaling/uprezzing) in Photoshop or other software, to increase the pixel size to give me a higher DPI - or if this isnt going to make matters any better?
Put the jpeg into CS6, set the dpi to 250 and crop it to 48x32..........sorted
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Remember to leave enough for the 'wrap around' on the canvas
Crop the full image, take the grab handles to the outer edges of the image and crop it. You are not losing any of the image.............................best try it :)
When asked to save it, save as the cropped version and keep the original
Set your crop to the actual size you want before you crop it.
I always set to the highest file size in cs6 when you first open the raw and 300 dpi you can set crop in the raw to the size you want you will get a bigger file size aswell
Dont mess with it ... send them the full sized file.
they will have the necessary to get the best out of it.
If they will print from a tiff send them that rather than the Jpeg.
Each time a Jpeg is saved it adds compression and artifacts... not good on a 48"" print....
Dont mess with it ... send them the full sized file.
they will have the necessary to get the best out of it.
If they will print from a tiff send them that rather than the Jpeg.
Each time a Jpeg is saved it adds compression and artifacts... not good on a 48"" print....


Infact I'm pretty sure your canvas supplier won't do any enlargement as canvas prints don't need the same DPI as paper prints.

I have photos printed on canvas at 130DPI regularly and they look fine, infact I tried a little experiment a while ago by sending for 2 of the same canvases, one uprezzed to 300dpi and the other at native resolution..the one at native seemed ever so slighty better to my eyes so I leave them at this now

Morning all,

I have just had an order for a massive 48" canvas print. The file I have shot is off a 5D Mark III, so around 23megapixels and is uncropped.

I have run it through the upload software, and it has reported that my dpi will be around 150dpi at this size, and quality will be fair/good, rather than good or excellent.

I have never uprezzed an image and know nothing about it, but would that be something that could help me out here, or am I stuck?

Many thanks in advance

A 5DMkIII file is 5760 x 3840 pixels at max quality so it would have to be printed at 120ppi to get to a width of 48" (excluding the wrap around). You could use Perfect Resize then print at a higher ppi.
Just send it as is. The software is clearly not very intelligent.

Canvas prints do not have such high DPI and even normal photo prints can be done at 150 dpi without normal people seeing any difference.
Don't confuse printing DPI with PPI they are not the same.

Just send a good image as uncompressed as possible. I've had 6Mb files from a Canon 300D blown up to 36" with no problems. Don't over sharpen is the only advice I would give