4G MiFi

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I know that the which company provides the best sevice and which works best at which ground has been done to death and we all have our own opinions, but has any body taken the plunger and got a EE 4g Mifi, How has it gone. is it worth the expense, etc etc.
not got one personally but a few lads who cover Newcastle / Sunderland have them and say they are great and work fine in the grounds and "fly"
Lad at work has it mate and the coverage is rubbish, EE's own website says Dewsbury is 4g enabled but he struggles getting 3g, he lives in Sheffield and exactly the same there, you need to bear in mind that it uses the Orange/T Mobile network which is patchy to say the least for 3G so you can imagine the problems 4G might have

All down to the area though, it will fly in some places
Hi Blue.

I use 3 3g at the mo on a MIFI unit, I am reliabley informed that 3 will be rolling out their 4G in Sept/Oct, this will be a free no cost upgrade, (take in your old Sim, take out the new one!), to data users plus the latest MIFI units support 4g.
I know you've struggled with you're data dongle lately so may be worth popping into a 3 shop &, if you go for 3, setting up an account prior to the 4G launch (unless there's a cut of date of course!).

3 was predominantly established for data transfer & IMHO will be the best supplyer of 4G! (until everyone has 4G that is, then speeds will slow to the same level at the grounds we experience now:crying:). Kind regards Graham.