500 shutter speed


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KIPAX Lancashire UK
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Somebody posted a tutorial on football photography... In it was what i believe to be a massive mistake.... it said you should go for a shutter speed of 500... I pulled him up about it with good reason.. the tutorial has since been pulled (but not because of my comments.. totally different reason)

unfortunatly people are still telling everyone to go for a 500 shutter speed.... WHY ?

Can somebody please tell me your reasoning for advising a shutter speed of 500 for football photography?
No idea mate, theres one in this section now recomending 1/500th, i dont bother anymore, they'll soon realise that 1/500th will get you a plate of mushy peas

Of course if your camera limits out at 1/500th due to shooting in a cave then fair enough, but as a starting point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
theres a couple of problems with all this 500 rubish.. What if the user has a 400mm lens on a 1.6 crop camera.. 500 doesnt even come close the the shutter+focul+crop guideline.. but even on a 70-200 its not good... if your shooting a plant pot in your back garden under controlled situation maybe..

500 is if thats all you can manage in poor light or floodlights.... some photogrpahers used to say anything lower than 500 and they give up.. on any lens.. i dont know if thats where all this started.. but i never agreed wiht that either.. that was yrs ago as well..

i have seen people tell newbies? to go for 500.. the newbie then goes away trying to get 500 on a sunny day.. iso 100 f22 trying to get to 500 :)

you can shoot football at a 500 shutter speed.... you can get pictures... BUT its not a good starting point.. 500 is for when you cant get faster :)

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I find that a 500th on digital does not stop things from blurring that where OK on film.I need at least 1000th on digital.:shrug:
my advice would be to decide on what iso your camera is happy with.. decide on what fstop you want to use... whats left is your shutter speed.. if the shutter speed doesnt work then you have to start changing the iso or fstop to get near to what you want..

there is no min or max... people can hand hold a 70-200 better than others.. the camera and lens are also variables.

the subjects moving ..your moving.. you need to be quick in everyhting you do... moving your camera from one subject to another..

get the best shutter speed you can is my advice :)
Come of Tony and Gary, 1/500 is fine as I have IS on.
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1/500th I have shot football at that when I had to, using a 450D and 500D any higher ISO it was garbage yes this was in the days before the KIPAX masterclass I took at the reebok when you said noisy images can be recovered and sold blurry images can't be sold and the result is I always shoot faster shutter speeds now. 1/500th can work but it is for certain situations and selective shots only, would never dream of pro football but kids don't move as fast to start with but under 14's is where they start moving faster even some under 12's are gaining pace now but when a player heading towards you you can get away with it, maybe some movement in the legs but it can work but I did say i was the minimum and he should look for faster shutter speeds.
Its still; happening.. This week already Once on facebook and in a ice hockey thread here..

Seriously.. where has this 500th come from? its annoying.. really is :) :)
How thick has someone got to be in order not to be able to work out what shutter speed to shoot sport at with a digital camera.Absolute idiots.:LOL:
I shoot level motor sport, with lenses up to 400mm on a 1.6 crop body, and very rarely shoot at 1/500 for faster. If you do so you may as well be shooting parked cars.
At the very least you want blurred wheels.
Forget "the shutter+focul+crop guideline"
For most shots it will be 1/320 or slower.
I almost always use a mono pod.
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I shoot level motor sport, with lenses up to 400mm on a 1.6 crop body, and very rarely shoot at 1/500 for faster. If you do so you may as well be shooting parked cars.
At the very least you want blurred wheels.
For most shots it will be 1/320 or slower.
I almost always use a mono pod.

But then this is talk sports ;) not talk motorsports
I shoot level motor sport, with lenses up to 400mm on a 1.6 crop body, and very rarely shoot at 1/500 for faster. If you do so you may as well be shooting parked cars.
At the very least you want blurred wheels.
Forget "the shutter+focul+crop guideline"
For most shots it will be 1/320 or slower.
I almost always use a mono pod.

your talking about a totally different thing..

me thinks your satnav is wonky :)
Shh! It's all part of a Cunning Plan to make the wannbes take crap shots so those of us who do it for money can keep buying Porsches and bathing in vintage champaign.

Thanks for pointing me here Kipax :)