500PX. whos using it?

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I know some of you will already be using 500px and some wont of even heard of it.

So I thought I would post the links to my free account with them for you to check out. (the site not the pics) don't need critics)

I have only been using it for a week, but it seems like a very cool site and great quality.
It's not for posting all your random crap ( direct that to Flickr) but dig out your good stuff and give it a go.
There are some great things but it does take a bit of time to get your head around it.

Here is the link to my free account which is like your flickr home page except cleaner. 500px

This link I just found tonight.
You have the ability to have a free portfolio albeit with only one category, you can also choose between about 5 themes,but you can have a lot more if you upgrade.
I am on the free one.
500px portfolio

I hope you find it useful and if you join or are already a member, how about posting a link to your 500px for us to see.

cheers eddy.
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