50D + 4 lens v's 5D mkii and 1 lens? help?

I do understand all that Jayst ;) my point really was, and I know it was going away a bit from the OP, was if you push anything hard enough you will see it`s flaws. However the 50D is a good camera and the 5d is a very good camera. I dont really think the OP should be concerning himself with a small issue such as noise. Also as mentioned by RichardA,the majority aint gonna view a full size image on their monitor and if they did they are going to see some noise. If I had the choice then it would be the 50D with some quality glass :D

Fair play. I probably mis-read you in my rush earlier today.

Exposure Bias: -1/2 EV

A darker exposure is known to make more noise.

The exposure bias is referring to it being shot in Av or whatever it was (don't recall now, and I'm too lazy to recheck). It shouldn't produce anymore noise per sé but does in this case because the shot is just underexposed. If the metering point was half a stop below a mid grey, then those settings would've produced the perfect exposure.