52 for 2021 a Variation on the Theme

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Not yet brave enough to join the official 52 challenge (maybe next year) but I did want to do a challenge so I've decided to do my own one without the list of subjects associated with the official challenge.

This one for week zero I suppose because I took it on 1st Jan (exif says 2nd because the date/time was set wrong) and there are only 3 days in that week (of 2021). A panorama of Dartmoor (Western edge between Tavistock and Yelverton) with a light dusting of snow.

Final Crop-PS Adj.jpg

Hand held multi shot using Fuji X-T2 and 50-140mm lens.
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That wouldn't look out of place in the Official 52. You should sign up. It's a friendly and supportive place.
Thanks but given the new lockdown measures I am even doubtful that I will be able to get decent shots for my own version which is much less structured. Maybe next year.
Week 1.

Given we have now been locked down I can now only get shots for this project whilst out on my exercise. I am working from home during the lockdown so my only opportunity for exercise is either lunchtime or evenings, I take the lunchtime option and I have a treadmill at home for running so that is what I use in the week. This leaves me only Saturday and Sunday to go out with camera to get a shot. Now I have an upcoming project which I start this spring which is landscape photography oriented and will involve big hikes with Bronica Medium Format kit so my Saturday exercise is a hike of about 5 miles from and to my door with my heavy pack to get into shape for the project. Additionally, I don't think setting up a tripod and waiting for the light is in the spirit of the current lockdown rules so I will only take hand held shots when I see something that looks interesting and hope for good light to be there at the same time.

Here's my shot for this week.

Tree B&W-3575 PS Adj.jpg

Of course once Spring comes and I am no longer working from home I will have more opportunity so I will stick at this for now and follow the rules in the spirit I believe them to be set in.
Week 3

More lockdown and working from home so Saturday exercise is again the only time I can get out to take shots for this project. Where we can walk without needing to drive there are limited subjects for good shots, mostly trees and panos of the distant hills. Dead Ferns and thick mud make traditionally pretty shots almost impossible. Here's another tree shot since they are in abundance on our walk route, these seem to have become conjoined.

Twisted Tree PANO-3619 PS Adj upload.jpg
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Week 4

More lockdown exercise hand held shots, weather was poor this Saturday but we waterproofed up and went anyway, fortunately my Fuji X-T2 and lenses are weather sealed. This road junction is 2 1/4 miles on the outward leg of our route which is a big loop passing the sign on the return as well which was when I took this shot.

Signpost-3622 PS Adj upload.jpg
Week 7

So this Friday was my last day of work before embarking on a 2 year self funded photo project. I had to go to our closest company site to return all my IT equipment that I had been using to work form home. This Castle is on m y way home so I stopped briefly and took a couple of shots hand held with my Fuji X-T2 and 16-55mm.

Okehampton Castle 1-3644 PS Adj.jpg

Given the current lockdown I may have made a bad move since going out to take meaningful photos is not allowed unless you are a professional Landscape Photographer. :(
Week 8

First week of no job and a birthday to boot. This week we took our first lockdown walk on a weekday as I can now but the rules still apply so handheld only for the time being. Same walk of 5+miles with my landscape kit on my back and my X-T2 along for the handheld stuff. This tree is an interesting shape and if photographed from a distance with a long lens (50-140 + 1.4 converter) can be isolated nicely.
Tree for all Seasons-0486 PS Adj.jpg

I think it will be a subject that I will get in all seasons.
Week 9

Once again, out for the Saturday exercise walk, same route (for now) from the house and back to stay within the rules. I found this Lonely Daffodil struggling to survive almost overshadowed by the fallen tree. This time I was out with my Leica M9s this shot taken with the 21mm.

Lonely Daffodil-1000302 PS Adj.jpg

I did also have a stand-by image if I got nothing from the walk, Mrs T had a Triffid given to her for Christmas and it is in full bloom so I rolled out the GFX for a bit of still life.

Triffid-1641 PS Adj.jpg

Roll on the lifting of the restrictions, this is getting difficult.
Week 10

Again, still in lockdown and having to stay local for exercise (hopefully on 29th March this will change) so same Saturday hike with handheld being the order of the day. Yesterday was a mix of heave showers and sunshine which always give good photo-ops for those in the right place at the right time.

Fuji X-T2 50-140mm.

Storm Coming-0503 PS Adj 3.jpg
Week 11

More exercise photography handheld with the Fuji X-T2 and 50-140 f2.8. Another shot of a winter tree (they're in abundance on our walk route) this time with a Pony in the shot.

Tree and Pony 2-0528 PS Adj.jpg

This was the last shot of this Winter, hopefully Spring will bring an easing of Covid restrictions so we can venture further afield and find some more interesting subjects to shoot.
Week 12.

Here we are again another Saturday lockdown photowalk, hopefully the last as the restrictions are due to lift tomorrow. My walk route has an abundance of trees on the route, some silhouetted that look really impressive.

Here's one of them, Fuji X-T2 16-55 handheld;

Tree Silhouette B&W-3696 PS Adj.jpg

Here's one from the garden on an overcast day, Leica D-Lux Typ 109 Spring is here.

Purple Ones crop-1000885 PS Adj.jpg

Next week I'm able to travel a bit farther afield for my photography so should be able to post some different images.
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Week 13.

It was nice this week to be able to go out farther afield, on Tuesday we took a hike on the high Dartmoor, the weather was the hottest in years for that time of March so the skies were just clear but beggars can't be choosers so we went anyway and took some photos.

Browns House ruins on Dartmoor

Brown's House-3739 PS Adj.jpg

Copse on the North edge of Wistmans Wood

Wistmans Wood North Copse-3744 PS Adj.jpg

Lone Tree at Wistmans Wood

Wistmans Wood Lone Tree-3750 PS Adj.jpg

Panorama from Longaford Tor

Longaford Tor Pano-1645 PS Adj resized.jpg
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Week 16.

Spoilt for choice this week, we managed to get out on 3 walks on Dartmoor so plenty of shots to be had. One of the walks was the first outing this year for my Fuji GFX 50S kit for some "serious" landscape shooting at Venford Falls on Tuesday.

Venford Falls extra 2-1648 PS Adj upload.jpg

Venford Reservoir, Fuji X-T2 16-55.

Venford Res-3864 PS Adj.jpg

Combestone Tor near to Venford Reservoir Fuji X-T2 16-55.

Combestone Tor 4 V2-3891 PS Adj.jpg

Hangmans Pit Hut Circles nr Combestone Tor 2-3918 PS Adj.jpg

First though we went with friends to Burrator Woods for a look at some of the more obscure areas since they live very close and know the woods intimately, I only took my Leica M9s.

Balancing Rock-1003732.jpg

Craggy Rocks-1000307.jpg

This is the remains of the old Blasting Powder Bunker from the quarrying days.

Powder Bunker-1003737.jpg

Found this old gnarly tree.

Gnarly Tree Face-1000896.jpg

And one of the 3 Redwoods in the wood.

Redwood in Burrator Woods-1000308.jpg

And yesterday we went for a walk along the old railway line that has been converted to a cycle/foot path, again Leica M9.

Old Briidge 5 BW-1003758.jpg
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Week 17.

This week was a little different as we didn't get out much for various reasons I won't bore you with, however, we did take the opportunity to re-visit last week's location to try a Pano of the falls with the Fuji GFX 50S and 23mm lens. The GFX offers Pano in a single shot 65x24 aspect ratio which makes it easy to frame the shot. It is tight on these falls and I had to take wellies and get into the river to get the shot.

Venny Falls 2 V2-1676 upload.jpg

Here's a shot Mrs T took of me at work getting the Pano.


Note to self, must get out more...........................
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Week 18.

Another week where we are spoilt for choice as a result of a fine hike over Dartmoor on Tuesday taking in the famous Widgery Cross on Brat Tor then out to the old Bleak House ruins, on to Green Tor then Gt Links Tor, Arms Tor and back to the Car Park.

Brat Tor and Widgery Cross

Widgery Cross 16x9 V1-3940 PS Adj.jpg

Widgery Cross 16x9 V2-3942 PS Adj.jpg

Brat Tor PANO-3923 PS Adj.jpg

On route to Brat Tor we came across this Lone Tree (Arms Tor in the background).

Tree and Arms Tor-3927 PS Adj.jpg

Bleak House ruins.

Bleak House 16x9 V3-3962 PS Adj.jpg

Green Tor.

Green Tor 3-3975 PS Adj.jpg

Gt Links Tor.

Gt Links Tor 16x9 V1-4004 PS Adj.jpg

Gt Links Tor 11-4021 PS Adj.jpg

Arms Tor.

Arms Tor and Gt Links Tor-3934 PS Adj.jpg

Another Lone Tree this one on the forward slope of Arms Tor overlooking Brat Tor.

Lone Tree on Arms Tor and Widgery Cross-4047 PS Adj.jpg

Then on the last leg to the Car Park the obligatory Dartmoor Pony (and Foal).

Dartmoor Pony and Foal-4061 PS Adj.jpg

Happy wanderings.
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Week 20.

Another outing on Dartmoor, this time on the North moor Black a Tor and the Ancient Oak Woodland known as Black a Tor Copse.

Black Tor 04-4159 PS Adj.jpg

We struck out from Meldon Dam Car Park out over Longstone Hill and out to Black a Tor wind and rain on our backs pushing us on.

Meldon Dam 01-4227 PS Adj.jpg

Meldon Dam 03-4144 PS Adj.jpg

There are some splendin views around the Tor.

Black Tor 03-4158 PS Adj.jpg

Black Tor 02-4157 PS Adj.jpg

We then went down to the Copse and then to the river.

Black-a- Tor Copse 04-4193 PS Adj.jpg

Lone Tree and Sourton Tor-4208 PS Adj.jpg

We followed the river back to the Reservoir then back to the car via the Dam.

Meldon West Okement Waterfalls 01-4217 PS Adj.jpg

Meldon West Okement Waterfalls 04-0594 PS Adj.jpg

Meldon Dam 02-4226 PS Adj.jpg

From this edge of the Dam there is a good view of the Viaduct.

Meldon Viaduct-4148 PS Adj.jpg
Week 21.

Once again Mrs T and I went out over Dartmoor. Rain was forecast and rain came but not enough to spoil the ramble and by the time it came really heavy we were back at the car.

We headed this time over the North Dartmoor to Yes Tor and High Willhays the highest point(s) in the South of England. Our GPS could't differentiate between the heights of either top...............

The views form Yes Tor were spectacular and those clouds told a story that was about to unfold.

View from Yes Tor towards West Mill Tor-4236 PS Adj.jpg

High Willhays in the distance was also in cloud.

High Willhays 01-4241 PS Adj.jpg

The rain did eventually catch us up but we were on the way back to the car and fortunately missed the worst of it. :D
Week 22.

Another ramble on Dartmoor this week in somewhat changeable conditions, we visited Sourton Tors and Branscombe's Loaf then on the way home stopped off at Brent Tor to recce for next week and I couldn't resist shooting the Church on top of the Tor.

Brent Tor Church 02-4300 PS Adj upload.jpg

And when I say on top of the Tor...........

Brent Tor Church 01-4296 PS Adj.jpg

Brent Tor Church 04 M9-1003809 PS Adj.jpg

The main walk took us up to Sourton Tors a deceiving Tor with great depth and a Trig point.

Sourtom Tors 09-4285 PS Adj.jpg

Sourton Tors 07-4273 PS Adj.jpg

Sourton Tors 04-4265 PS Adj.jpg

From Sourton Tors we made our way to Corn Ridge where Branscombe's Loaf sits.

Branscombe's Loaf 01-4275 PS Adj.jpg

Branscombe's Loaf 04-4280 PS Adj.jpg

On the way up we spotted a Viaduct but it was shrouded in low mist/drizzle but on the way back the light was a bit better.

Sourton Viaduct-0613 PS Adj.jpg

And of course what Dartmoor ramble would be complete without the Dartmoor Pony (and Foal).

Sourton Pony and Foal-4290 PS Adj.jpg
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Week 23.

A re-visit to Venford Falls on Dartmoor this week to try a shoot on film using my Bronica SQ-Ai, I haven't got the film back yet so can't post any of the images but as I normally do when out with the Bronica I replicate the shots with my Fuji X-T2 anyway.

This is the shot I was after and hopefully got on film too.

Venford Falls-4312 PS Adj.jpg

There are also many smaller water features on Venford Brook worth shooting.

Venford Brook 03-4337 PS Adj V3.jpg

Venford Brook 05-4344 PS Adj.jpg

Venford Brook 01-4306 PS Adj.jpg
Week 24.

This week we visited one of Dartmoor's most famous rock formation, Bowerman's Nose. Although I have lived on the edge of Dartmoor for more than 30 years, this was the first time I have visited this famous landmark.

Bowerman's Nose 09-4403 PS Adj.jpg

Of course while we were there I explored the different angles.

Bowerman's Nose 02-4378 PS Adj.jpg

This is the first sight we got of the rock as we approached along the path.

Bowerman's Nose 01-4376 PS Adj.jpg

There were other rock formations along the way worthy of photographing.

Hayne Down 02-4417 PS Adj.jpg

As we were parked below it we visited Hound Tor another honeypot location difficult to get without people all over it.

Hound Tor 07-1003814 PS Adj.jpg

Loads of interesting rock formations on Hound Tor.

Hound Tor 03-4370 PS Adj.jpg

Hound Tor 04-4371 PS Adj.jpg

Hound Tor 05-4372 PS Adj.jpg

Hound Tor Crack-4368 PS Adj.jpg

Sorry folks no cute Ponies this time but a rather twee cottage at the moorgate.

Cottage at Swallerton Gate-4433 PS Adj.jpg
Week 25.

This week saw Mrs T and me back on East Dartmoor around the Widecombe area, Specifically Bonehill Rocks, Chinkwell Tor and Honeybag Tor.
This was the view from our parking area.

Bonehill Rocks from Car Park-4437 PS Adj.jpg

First stop was Bonehill Rocks which from the car park didn’t seem all that interesting but once up close we realised that there was more to these rocks than we first thought.

Bonehill Rocks 01-4440 PS Adj.jpg

As we left Bonehill Rocks we got our first look at Chinkwell Tor sitting behind Bell Tor.

Bell and Chinkwell Tors from Bonehill Rocks-4457 PS Adj.jpg

We didn’t go the obvious route straight ahead instead we followed a really boring stone track in search of some ancient Hut Circles that we never found, however, there was a great view of Widecombe Church in the distance.

Widecombe Church-0628 PS Adj.jpg

You can see the full story here if you are interested. https://www.ephotozine.com/user/topsyrm-149719/blog

That's all for this week folks.
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Week 30.

This week I was alone so I decided to try to find some bouldering areas on Dartmoor, The Miniscule Sausage Area and Cuckoo Rock. The Miniscule Sausage Area is not marked on the map, it is also known as Snappers Tor which is also not marked on the map. Whilst exploring I also wanted to take in the Down Tor Stone Rows and a couple of other locations which made the walk a rather convenient round trip.

Down Tor Stone Rows

025 Down Tor Stone Row 01-4915 PS Adj.jpg

The Miniscule Sausage Area

010 Snappers Tor 04-0914 PS Adj.jpg

Cuckoo Rock

036 Cuckoo Rock 01-4945 PS Adj.jpg

And of course Dartmoor Poines

016 Towards Down Tor 04-4891 PS Adj.jpg

See the full story in my ePHOTOzine blog, https://www.ephotozine.com/user/topsyrm-149719/blog

Thanks for looking.
Week 31.

This week accompanied by Mrs T I revisited the areas of the Miniscule Sausage Area (Snappers Tor) Down Tor and the Stone Row then went along to Combshead Tor. From there we followed the old settlements to the Tinner’s Huts at Deancombe before returning to the car via Middleworth Farm. On this trip I wanted to test a new setup I had fabricated for my Bronica SQ-Ai to do panoramic shots on 120 square film. I also took the opportunity to explore the rock formations on Down Tor a little more since last week I was more pushed for time having to navigate new ground.

Down Tor Rock Formations.

15 Down Tor Rocks 11-5017 PS Adj.jpg

Miniscule Sausage Area (aka Snappers Tor) shot with the Bronica on Portra 400.

38 Broni PANO 01 Snappers Tor-39250008 PS Adj.jpg

See the full story on my Blog, https://www.ephotozine.com//user/topsyrm-149719/blog
Week 32.

For this week’s Dartmoor jaunt I decided to take the trip out to Tavy Cleave in the Willsworthy Range area (military shooting range) we then went over to Ger Tor and on to Hare Tor. On the return we went to a rocky outcrop that overlooks the River Tavy.

Ger Tor and the River Tavy from Nattor.

009 Tavy Cleave G 04-1739 PS Adj.JPG

018 Ger Tor 06-5081 PS Adj.JPG

The full story can be seen on my blog. https://www.ephotozine.com//user/topsyrm-149719/blog
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