[56k warning] Save the NHS Protest

Edit My Images
Lots of images, I know, apologies for that.










I can see you are after a certain look with your processing but it does not appeal to me at all. I'm no fan of mono in the first place and the high contrast look makes it even worse to me. Quite sure I'll be the only one though so take no notice :)

Oh and the size limit is 800 pixels both ways - not just width ;)
There's far too much loss of shadow detail in a lot of these for my tastes. I appreciate it's a style of processing you were after, but just a bit overdone, although it looks like the contrasty lighting hasn't helped.

As pointed out some of these are well over forum limits of 800 pixels on the longest side. I'd rather you resize them than I break your links. ;)
these are just general remarks as there are far too many shots there for me to go into specifics.

I think most of them are too contrasty and you've lost too much shadow and highlight detail.

some of your compositions are a bit off too, the pictures arent really telling a story on their own, some tight crops and short depth of field have left too little in the shot to really explain what is going on.

the shot of the bearded man 3 or 4 from the end is the best shot in my opinion but would have been much better had you kept all of the sign in the shot.
Jesus christ. See what processing your pictures does, after being awake for more than 32 hours straight? Upon reflection, they really are p*ss poor. Let me have another stab at them.