5dMK II video

kevin riley
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well...you can say what you like about the merits (or lack thereof!) of having video capture on a DSLR - specifically the HD video on the new Canon 5d MkII, but what isn't in question is the results that are acheivable. Have a look at this link:

HD Video on 50dMkII
WOW I have to stand behind still and HD cameras from time to time and the thing that i like the idea of is the range of lenses available. There were some great shots with a limited depth of field. I just wonder how you could use external storage so you dont burn cards up too quickly?
Pretty impressive, can't think it would personally be that useful but people thought that about cameras and video in mobiles. It's more the fact that you can even if you never use it. I think it would have been better integrated into the 50D though rather than the 5DMKII.
wish it was 60fps, so could do some really cool slo mo effects...

yea thats certainly one area they havent pushed out in the first generation of video.
It doesnt even have 24p which is very important for a lot of people. (this can probly be fixed with new firmware though, theres thousands of people requesting it from canon so wouldnt be surprised if they gave in)