6024 Tyseley to Didcot

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Working in Birmingham does have some plus points!


No changes other than a crop and the cloning out of a lamp-post.
C&C always welcome!
Very nice! Was it 6024 that needed loads of work doing. Didn't they start scrapping it before it was saved or something?
I know it was overhauled a few years ago, but not sure about the scrapping story....

Just had a quick read on the society's pages (here) and seems that you're indeed correct!

6024 was withdrawn from service in June 1962, and was sold for scrap to Woodham Brothers of Barry in company with her sister engine 6023 King Edward II.

The engine was rescued in 1973 and restored to main line standards and gained her main line certificate in 1990.

They've certainly done a good job of overhauling and maintaining it, it looks superb and sounded lovely.
lovely those old trains, nice capture :)