60th birthday pressie

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Please help me!!!!

It's my old chaps 60th birthday shortly and have no idea what to buy him.

He's an avid fisherman (river, lake etc), likes his food, beer and cigars and time away on his holidays.

I'd like to spend around the £100 to £150 mark.

Any ideas are more than welcomed.

Thanks all

Well with that amount of money buy him 60 presents, some of use and some stupid ones as well :D
As an avid fisherman myself I would not want someone to buy me some fishing tackle as TBH I have all the tackle that I will need or want, so I am not going to suggest that.

It depends where he is and how much travel he would be willing to do. My idea would be this, book a weekend away somewhere nice for him and partner/wife etc. but also somewhere that he can have a bit of fishing. My suggestion would be Symonds Yat for the weekend and a days fishing on the river wye, do the right deal and that should fall into the £100-150 budget.

Plus as a suggestion there is a really great pub there (The Saracens Head/Arms) if memory serves me correctly that does some great food, the final thing would be to have a nice cigar waiting in his room!

Just my thoughts..

How about a small picnic hamper, you could fill it with his favourite food and he could use the basket for fishing gear afterwards.
A camera?
A day on one of the big rivers like the Tay or Tweed if he's a Salmon fisher. Or one of the many big lochs in Ireland if he's a trout fisherman.