6D, 5D3, or wait for the 5D4, dilemma, mistake, too many choices.


I hate to admit this, but it's doing my head trying to do a crop at 100% from Lightroom.:(

I think this might be 100%-------- 5d3; Tamron 150-600 zoom; 450mm; 1/500th; f6.3; 1600 asa; sharpen slider to 75 in LR, Noise reduction to 50.

Hope this helps!
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Thank you Jerry. (y)

That's certainly 'cleaner' than my 7D would be. That said, I don't think I've done my 7D justice due to a fair amount of operator error :whistle:, which I am working on.

Edit, I should've looked at your webiste earlier. Fantastic stuff. (y)
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Just putting it out there but I have a chance of a 1DSII. I understand it's a 1.3x crop but I'm wondering how it might compare (or not) to a current FF body?

Just putting it out there but I have a chance of a 1DSII. I understand it's a 1.3x crop but I'm wondering how it might compare (or not) to a current FF body?

It's not 1.3 it's FF.

And it's quite old, similar in IQ to the original 5d IIRC.
Thanks Phil.

APS-H I believe.
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Canon 1Ds MkII is 17mp full-frame, from 2005.

Right oh.:)

The info I have on it is that it is 21.1mp, 1.3x but still FF. That doesn't compute. :thinking:

I'll take your words for it, I'm not clued up on FF. (y)

I've just read a few reviews and it's 5D (mk1) territory. From those reviews, I doesn't seem like it is quite up to modern standards. If I'm honest, I'm more interested in image quality than bells and whistles, so an older camera wouldn't worry me. :)
Have to agree, FF and 16.7 mp. MPB have it wrong. :thinking:

Common sense kicks back in, no 1Dsii for me. :LOL:
Right oh.:)

The info I have on it is that it is 21.1mp, 1.3x but still FF. That doesn't compute. :thinking:

I'll take your words for it, I'm not clued up on FF. (y)

I've just read a few reviews and it's 5D (mk1) territory. From those reviews, I doesn't seem like it is quite up to modern standards. If I'm honest, I'm more interested in image quality than bells and whistles, so an older camera wouldn't worry me. :)

You don't have to take anyone's word for it, just find out exactly which model it is and look it up ;)

Your point about bells and whistles is valid, but older cameras also have older sensors and development there marches on unabated.
Fair point about the sensors Richard.

It's odd that WEX and MPB list them as 1.3xcrop and 21.1mp, unless there are variants of that body. Anyway, it matters not, I'll wait, after that rush of blood, I'm back on course and saving for a more recent body. (y)
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Does the 1DSMkII have a 1.3x crop mode alongside the FF (and possibly 1.6x crop) option? Might be where the confusion's arising from. Entirely possible that they're misdescribed as well though!"
the 7dII is the way you need to go, i use the D500 and can crop 100% and hardly loose detail, pretty amazing really, as i do compare it to my 42mg A7Rii which crops good too... i also run the 600MM C and Tokina 11-16mm great combo... and use it for Wildlife and Motorsports

Good luck..
I'm not sure Nod.

Thank you Rob.

If I'm honest, I still have that nagging doubt in my mind about cropping with the 7Dmk2, after my experience with the Mk1. Maybe I'm asking too much of it, I don't know.

A friend of mine made a telling comment to me a few days ago, he said "go FF and let your L glass shine". Decisions, decisions.
I'm not sure Nod.

Thank you Rob.

If I'm honest, I still have that nagging doubt in my mind about cropping with the 7Dmk2, after my experience with the Mk1. Maybe I'm asking too much of it, I don't know.

A friend of mine made a telling comment to me a few days ago, he said "go FF and let your L glass shine". Decisions, decisions.

You shouldn't have any nagging doubts about cropping - if you crop any image, you lose image quality. Fact of physics. It's not just the loss of pixels, it's mainly the reduction in lens performance caused by the higher resolution demands of the physically smaller image area. The only question is whether what remains is still good enough.

If you go full-frame without a corresponding increase in focal length, and end up cropping down to 1.6x format, you will gain nothing and lose a bunch of pixels along the way.
You shouldn't have any nagging doubts about cropping - if you crop any image, you lose image quality. Fact of physics. It's not just the loss of pixels, it's mainly the reduction in lens performance caused by the higher resolution demands of the physically smaller image area. The only question is whether what remains is still good enough.

If you go full-frame without a corresponding increase in focal length, and end up cropping down to 1.6x format, you will gain nothing and lose a bunch of pixels along the way.

I agree Richard. My Mk1 is horrible when it comes to cropping though and Mk1s are known for it, some more than others. I think mine is in the middle somewhere. I will admit to a level of operator error too, as I have been underexposing in an attempt not to blow or to reasonably control any whites. That's partly a camera club mentality on my part as judges hate blown highlights. I will be giving my Mk1 another chance for now without that mentality and see if that improves things and if it does, it will ease my anxiety about the Mk2's image quality when cropping. I understand cropping decreases image quality (FF and CS) but having experienced how bad my Mk1 can be, I'm wary. I should mention that I have a Fuji X-T10 and that is much cleaner than my 7D when I crop.
I agree Richard. My Mk1 is horrible when it comes to cropping though and Mk1s are known for it, some more than others. I think mine is in the middle somewhere...
Just to try to kill this myth.
it's almost impossible to consider that there'd be a great variation in IQ between cameras built in the same factory to the same design with the same specs.

Once the camera is out of the box, the variables escalate massively. What lens, technique and lighting and user understanding become very important.

Even with perfect lenses, perfectly calibrated, hand holding technique or tripod quality is an issue that'll affect sharpness.

Then we have to consider exposure, because if you're under exposing at all, you're wrecking your chances of keeping detail in the shadows, some sensors are better than others, and unfortunately before the 80d canon crop sensors are not really as good as the opposition.
Yes, I have been underexposing, by up to 2/3rds at times, something that will now change. All being well, I am heading out today to a local wildlife spot and we'll see what my Mk1 can do. It's probably a better camera than I am a photographer. :)
Yes, I have been underexposing, by up to 2/3rds at times, something that will now change. All being well, I am heading out today to a local wildlife spot and we'll see what my Mk1 can do. It's probably a better camera than I am a photographer. :)
I shot weddings with 7d's for years, delivering images up to ISO6400 on a regular basis.

2 caveats; customers care about images not IQ, solid technique and decent quality fast lenses.

Now using 6d's and the ISO isn't even a consideration. BUT I don't crop heavily, I shoot the image I want to deliver.
Update, I've not plunged yet.

I can't help think that with the 5DMkIV about to be announced, how much the 5dIII will fall in price? Also, it seems that the 6DMkII is just rumour at the moment, so the price of the current 6D will hold.

I have bought a Sigma 10-20f3.5, which might affect my decision when it comes as it is a DC lens and won't be much use on a FF. That said, I still have plenty of EF glass here.

Just to complicate matters, I took my Fuji X-T10 out one day last week and I am staggered by the image quality with that. How much is that 100-400XF again? :LOL:
I decided to check my 300L for calibration after a pretty dismal outing over the weekend with only a few shots being reasonably sharp. Ok, the light wasn't great which didn't help but I felt it was more than that.

A bit of a eureka moment today. It turns out my 300L has been front focusing, so that has been causing a lot of my problems with the 7D. It was 12 clicks out with a 1.4x TC and 16 clicks out without it. With only 20 clicks of adjustment on the 7D, it was close but it seems much better now. I'm not convinced it's the entire story but it's certainly a big part of it. I've been overexposing by 1, sometimes 2 stops as well, which has helped the noise issues. Hopefully these 2 factors will help improve my handling of the 7D, a proportion of the problems have been on my part.

I am happier now with the images I'm getting out of the camera. If I carry on improving with it, a 7DMkII may be my choice but I'm going to wait and see what happens with the price of the 5DMkIII too. I do feel that I would have to get a longer lens than 300mm, which is currently my longest lens if I go FF, as even this image on a CC @300mm and 1.4xTC is on my limit.

Little Grebe. Aug 16. by Dale, on Flickr
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It's been a while since I posted in this one but I have been giving all my options serious consideration.

I've still not bought a camera as now and again, life gets in the way but I have decided to go FF and not get a 7Dii. I already have a Mk1 and I don't think the upgrade is worth 1.3k and still have a camera that is questionable in low light.

Anyway, now my heart is set on FF, ultimately, I would like to get the 5DMkiv but I can't justify that expense on what is basically, a hobby. So, my choices are now the 6D or 5Dmkiii. I don't think the 6D would give me what I want at 4.5fps, one X type focus point and whilst a decent speed, is 4000/sec always going to be quick enough for wildlife? Also, the rumour mill would suggest that the 6Dmkii is imminent but the drawback of that of course, is the wait for something that might never come, despite it being rumoured for April (ish). The 6Dmkii sounds a pretty awesome piece of kit for the money if the rumours are to be believed.
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6D mk2, that's what I'm going to get. Surely improved AF system with more focus points, and FF, also rumoured to have touch screen and a new 28mp sensor.
Long time since updating this but I went 5Dmkiv in the end. I've not regretted it yet.