70-200 - Canon f4 or Sigma f2.8?

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Posted similar thread in equipment but went odd topc slightly as people missed the indoor sport bit!!!

I'm after some advice regarding purchase between the 2 lenses from anyone who has used these lenses for sport. It will be fitting to a Canon 40D. Unfortunately the Canon f2.8 is too expensive!

I will be using it for both indoor swimming pools (swimming, waterpolo and the odd pool based triathlon) with a mix of good light and some not so good and then outside for triathlons and other sporty events imay be watching (nothing speciffic!).

I think that the extra stop on the Sigma would be helpful with the low light indoors and early morning triathlon starts but not so sure how quick the AF is, althought the online reviews seem to think it is ok. but the Canon get excellent reivews but is f4 so may struggle to get the high shutter speeds indoors!

If anyone has used either for sport i would be interested to hear your thoughts.


The f2.8 over the f4 is a no brainer for indoor sport. the make doesnt matter.

I had the siggy 2.8 for a long time altough i didnt use it indoors i did use it under floodlights

end of day..the most important thing to note... on a nice day the canon f4 will be the better choice.. on a dull lighting or indoors the sigma wil be a better choice..

Thats written in stone even thought i havent used the 70-200 f4 :)
The f2.8 over the f4 is a no brainer for indoor sport. the make doesnt matter.

Thanks Kipax, that is what i was thinking but just wondered if anyone had used the 2 lenses and noticed a difference.
the 2.8 wins hands down, especially on the 40d where the extra stop will make all the difference, my recollection of the 40d was useable at ISO 1600 (just) but absolutly rubbish above that and indoors you WILL be shooting ISO 1600 and above.