70-300mm lens. Canon IS or Tamron VC?

Lens arrived this morn , put serial number in on Into 2020 online registration and it would not have it , paperwork inside box indicates it is sourced in Germany and in that language.
Spoke to sales at Intro 2020 who confirm they will honour the 5 yr warranty as the lens was bought from Amazon UK. They are aware that Amazon sometime source lens from Germany .
Had to down load postal claim form from site and send off , worth ringing Simon in sales at Intro 2020 if anyone has probs with registering lens.


Looks like mine came from France :eek:
Have you spoken to Intro 2020 ?


Yup, phoned them as soon as the Tamron web site kicked me out because I had a dodgy import lens :LOL:

They were fine, told me to send in details along with the cashback form and they will do both at the same time.

Quick snap with it outside wide open, looks like it will be fine for what I want.

Finlay by Mike.Pursey, on Flickr
Yup, phoned them as soon as the Tamron web site kicked me out because I had a dodgy import lens :LOL:

They were fine, told me to send in details along with the cashback form and they will do both at the same time.

Quick snap with it outside wide open, looks like it will be fine for what I want.

Finlay by Mike.Pursey, on Flickr

Looks fine (y)

Looks like mine came from France :eek:

Mine also arrived this afternoon (y) and looks like it was destined for France same as yours Mike.

Julian, many thanks for all the advice and information in getting the warranty sorted out. They couldn't have been more helpful when I rang them.

I've had a bit of a play with the new lens (as you do ;) ) and from what I see so far I'm really pleased with it. Looking forward to some sun now and seeing how this baby performs.

Mike, that's a beauty photo of Finlay (y)

the canon 70-300 i had was so soft as to be unuseable over 200mm.
id look for something else if you want to use it over 200...
Just not that happy with the 200-300mm range, I put my Sigma 1.4x teleconverter on the 70-200mm f4 IS and even with that attached it totally smoked the Tamron at 280mm f5.6 in both IQ and AF speed.

So the Tamron goes back and I will get myself a Canon 1.4x MKII which should be even better than the Sigma converter.
Oh you are making me worry now Mike.P , got nothing to compare it , did you already have the Canon f4 or have you borrowed it to compare ?

Just not that happy with the 200-300mm range, I put my Sigma 1.4x teleconverter on the 70-200mm f4 IS and even with that attached it totally smoked the Tamron at 280mm f5.6 in both IQ and AF speed.

So the Tamron goes back and I will get myself a Canon 1.4x MKII which should be even better than the Sigma converter.

Mike, I appreciate everyone is entitled to their own view/opinion and I respect that, but surely if your 70-200mm f4 IS is the L lens? (that would cost in the region of 3 times the price of the Tamron 70-300 VC lens) really a fair comparison even with the Sigma 1.4x teleconverter?

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I'm not saying by any means the Tamron is a bad lens, I am just giving my reasons as to why I am returning it. ;)

For the money it seems to be pretty good actually, I thought it may be a better option than putting a teleconverter on the Canon f4 IS but it seems not.
70-200 F4 L IS = £900
Sigma 1.4x = £200
Canon 1.4x III = £400

Best combo price = £1100 alt. £1300
Tamron = £270 after cashback

Slight difference.
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I'm not saying by any means the Tamron is a bad lens, I am just giving my reasons as to why I am returning it. ;)

For the money it seems to be pretty good actually, I thought it may be a better option than putting a teleconverter on the Canon f4 IS but it seems not.

Ah I see, I think one or two of us my have got hold of the wrong end of the stick so-to-speak, well me at least :LOL: I'm guessing you borrowed the Sigma 1.4x teleconverter to come to this conclusion.

If I had your option I might have been doing the same, after all you have to be happy with your purchase I agree (y)

Hi I'm also thinking of getting the Tamron 70-300 was just wondering how you are getting on with it?
Well after trying the lens I just felt it wasn"t for me so gave it much thought after seeing Mike.P"s comments above.
I saw a Canon 70-200 f4L (non is ) come up for sale on classified which was not too far away , after inspection/test I bought it and at home compared it to the Tamron , it just felt right on my 7D , images appeared sharper so I have returned the Tamron to Amazon for refund.
I spose already having a L lens ( 400L) swung me towards the 70-200L despite the Tamron having many good reviews.
Still think the Tamron is good value though at that price .

I had a Canon 70-300 for the past couple of years and was never really impressed with it. It took nice shots but anything over 200mm, and especially distance shots, looked a bit soft.
It could have been just my copy but i lived with it until last Oct when i happened ot try a 70-200 f/4 (non IS). I fell in love with it and realised just how much better it was. Only thing was i find i really do need IS so ended up getting the IS version, not cheap though.
I should add i had owned one of these before getting the 70-300 so i knew what to expect.
I haven't tried the Tamron but did try the Canon 55-250 and even that seemed to preform better than my 70-300.
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Hi I'm also thinking of getting the Tamron 70-300 was just wondering how you are getting on with it?

Due to available spare time (the lack of) and the bad weather I've not really had a chance to give this lens a good try out, outdoors yet.

Below is an indoor shot taken with the Tamron 70-300mm VC lens at 300mm with flash, bouncing it off the ceiling.

This first shot is without any alterations in Photoshop what so ever, other than re-sizing of course.


This shot is with a few adjustments in Photoshop.


As one person said to me sometime ago, if you taste the forbidden fruit (meaning "L" glass) you're not likely to want to go back to anything less. My advice would be to test out any lens you're thinking about getting first if you can.

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Thanks for taking the time to reply. Think I will definitely have a play before I commit to buying, but i don't really want to spend more than £300 so the tamron seems to be best choice for now.
Kev, for the money I think you'll be hard pressed to beat it personally, but it does have it's limitations to a degree to something costing three or four times as much. Here's a photo taken at 300mm with the Tamron lens. No he/she was not in the studio :LOL: it's just the sand from the beach making it look at if it is. It has been slightly adjusted in P/S (as most digital photo's are) cropped and resized.


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herbie_53 said:
Kev, for the money I think you'll be hard pressed to beat it personally, but it does have it's limitations to a degree to something costing three or four times as much. Here's a photo taken at 300mm with the Tamron lens. No he/she was not in the studio :LOL: it's just the sand from the beach making it look at if it is. It has been slightly adjusted in P/S (as most digital photo's are) cropped and resized.


Excellent shot! I want to shoot some wildlife so I'm hoping this will be the right for my budget. Cheers Chris.
Excellent shot! I want to shoot some wildlife so I'm hoping this will be the right for my budget. Cheers Chris.

Cheers Kev (y) Even with a 300mm lens you still need to be quite close to the subject to fill the frame when taking shots of birds. I think I need to get myself one of those camouflaged hide/tent thingy-a-me-bobs :LOL:

I have a gallery here that was all taken with my old 70-300. It was a gloomy day in Jan so everything was shot at ISO1600.
Funny story. It's a big cat sanctuary just outside London. There were a few guys there with big L lenses but my 70-300 was the only lens that would fit through the fence.


Thanks for sharing your photo's Dave (y) I like the funny story ;)

Amazing cats, some good shots there, well done,
