7d to a 1D mark 3

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Hi all i'm thinking of the above up grade for the better a/f tracking on the 1D but im slightly worried about the lower pixel count and file size , have any of you boys and girls on here done this ungrade and do you think it was worthwhile :)
Make sure that if you get one it doesn't suffer from the focus issues some 1D mk 3's used to have (there was a free fix from Canon for certain serial numbers). An aquaintance bought one recently and it had been "fixed" by Canon.
Make sure that if you get one it doesn't suffer from the focus issues some 1D mk 3's used to have (there was a free fix from Canon for certain serial numbers). An aquaintance bought one recently and it had been "fixed" by Canon.

yes i know about the focus issues the ones that where sold after the focus problems were made known of all had blue stickers o on the boxes, but still think it might be a worth while upgrade
Yep, cropping is the only issue I have with mine, but really not that much of an issue :)
I had a 1D Mark IIn prior to buying a 7D. I seriously considered buying a Mark III instead as I loved the feel of the Mark II and also the quality of the images.

However, I had developed more of an interest in bird photography and not being in possession of a super telephoto lens I realised that a fair degree of cropping would be required.

The pixel density of the Mark III simply would not allow me to do the cropping of my images. Even when set against the better AF, tracking, high ISO capability and (for me) the sheer joy of handling a 1 series body, the 7D was the one for me.

If you do bird photography have a look here:
http://iwishicouldfly.com/iwishicouldfly/journal/pdfs/Canon 7D vs 1D Mark III.pdf

If my preferred photography was anything other than birds, i.e. sport or motorsport or anything else that didn't require big cropping I would probably have gone with the 1D.
I have just changed from a 7D to 1D Mk3 via MPB Photographic.

Can't wait to have a go with it at the weekend.
I shot both a 7d and a 1dmk ii during the winter at loal non league football (low light, relatively fast action.) in all honesty I preferred the results from the mk ii, to me they appeared less noisy, and I had less problems with shooting at high rates of frames per second -this is an issue with the 7d. make sure you check this before buying
I moved from a 5d mkII and 50d set up and now have 5d mkII and 1d mkIII. At the moment I don't want to take the 1d out of my hands. I think the 5d is a little clearer on motorsport type shots but the colours on the 1d are really rather nice as is the 10fps (if needed). It also takes shots which seem to far exceed the 10mp the camera quotes. And of course the 1d is safer in an outdoor environment in all sort of weather.

I would make the change again in the heart beat, but obviously you have a different starting point with the 7d.
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Had a quick go but to be honest it was raining, the dogs needed a walk and I wasn't in the mood.

Took a couple of shots but need to have a chat with a mate (and fellow member) who has one to sort settings etc out.

First impressions are good though. Need practice before posing any examples!
just to confuse matters even worse i've just come back from Focus and have had a good look at the 5Dmk3 and 22mp 6fps this could be another spanner in the works as i think i could live with 6fps . and i might be wrong here but isnt the a/f the same as the 1Dmk3 if not better ?? :)