7D Users

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I posted in the talk equipment forum yesterday - struggling to get my 7D to shoot at its advertised 8FPS - I shoot in manual with increasing low light as soccer matches go on. Could anyone who manages to get a decent return using the 7D post their settings for me?
At the moment my 1DMK2 is faster
Would the card affect the fps rate of the camera? I thought it might affect the buffer rate but that appears to be high enough
If the card is a low enough write speed the buffer wont be able to clear itself down quick enough to take on fresh data.
If the card is a low enough write speed the buffer wont be able to clear itself down quick enough to take on fresh data.

To the OP, there are loads of videos on YouTube that demonstrate this.
Bizarrely I read that if you press the dof button,it is an override well I held it down and the shutter fires like stink-not sure how to do it all the time though!
Another thought, what mode do you shoot in as depending on your shutter speed you may not be able to get 8fps.
Noise reduction, focus priority ( over shutter release) & I think one of the other settings in the dynamic control range, all affect the speed.

Btw the 1DMkII should be ever so slightly faster anyway.
This is from P93 of the manual

1) When the battery level is low, the continuous speed will be lower.

2) In Al Servo AF mode, the continuous shooting speed may become slightly slower depending on the subject and the lens used.

3) In low light areas or indoors, the continuous shooting speed may become slower even if a fast shutter speed is set.


I am sure I read the same about the 1D MK III to do with shooting speed.

Also are you sure you have it on High Speed continuous rather than Low Speed Continuous?


1) Is your battery fully charged?

2) What lens & what F stop are you using?

3) What ISO are you typically using?
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80-200mm f2.8
Varies starting at 400 and goes up to 1600 when the lights are poor. However I was shooting in sunlight at iso 400 f 2.8 1/2000 and only getting 3/4 frames per sec

ok what SD Card do you have?
cornishboy said:
80-200mm f2.8
Varies starting at 400 and goes up to 1600 when the lights are poor. However I was shooting in sunlight at iso 400 f 2.8 1/2000 and only getting 3/4 frames per sec

Check your dynamic range settings under custom functions. Oh and low speed cont.

Rob, The 7d uses CFs and Even a basic card wouldn't slow it that much.
Ooops with the card.

No idea then.
Deffo got a h in the top screen which indicates high speed, off to check dynamic range???
This is also from POTN

OK.... so I called a canon technical center and spoke to someone from support for about 20 mins. 5 minutes later I got a call back from their lead hand to discuss things further, we chatted at length about it.

Initially he had all the same thoughts that I had and all the same thoughts that you guys had but we went through every possible option and how it reacted. They did not actually have a 7d in the tech department yet though so I just walked him through what I had tested myself , which was basically every variation i could think of. He agreed that it did not sound normal and was not something that happened in any previous Canon SLRs

But he did point out the footnote on page 93 of the manual that says it can do this.

Now I wasnt disputing that anything was wrong with my particular camera. Its in the manual so thats kind of a get out of jail free card for them. But what I want to know is why it doesnt do it with my 1 series camera or my 5dMKII or ANY other canon camera I have owned before.

The fact that you can prevent the slow down by pressing AE lock confirms, so the Canon Tech guys says, that the slowdown is being caused by the new , highly complex metering system employed in the 7d.

Soooo basically, you can get a much better metering system that is more accurate BUT you have to sacrifice some shooting speed. The tech support guy even said that in his limited time spent with a 7d he also noticed that it was shooting slowly, but that he had put it down to slow focussing, and not done any further testing on the matter as I had. They will be looking at it closer when they receive a 7d to their department I guess....

I questioned how much of the exposure metering system is active when you shoot in Manual exposure mode and he confirmed that it is fully active even in manual mode because it is providing information to the little light meter in the viewfinder. So that would explain why the speed slows down even when in manual exposure mode.

NOTE: Some people are not reading my original post clearly enough, the slowing of the burst rate occurs EVEN WHEN THE LENS IS IN MANUAL FOCUS MODE. It has nothing to do with trying to find focus or anything like that. It must be something to do with the metering mode. And this was confirmed by the guy at Canon.

His guess was that canon engineers dont want to sacrifice exposure accuracy for shooting speed. Which is all well and good but... its not as if the exposure metering was ever that bad on any of the older cameras!!! Did they really think that is was so bad that it was worth sacrificing half the shooting speed in some circumstances??

Where it really falls down is with Manual mode. If you are trying to shoot a fast burst of strobe lit shots in a dark room you are screwed. The cameras meter sees only the dark room and slows the burt rate right down, because it obviously cant tell what the exposure will be like if you are setting a shot up with 3rd party studio strobes.

So in a word , its not a problem. It's a characteristic of the 7d. Might have been nice if it was made a bit clearer though, or if there was a way to limit it with a Custom Function!! Theres a CF for choosing burst rate over focus accuracy. Why not one for choosing burst rate over exposure accuracy?? If you are shooting in Manual anyway the metering is doing nothing for you except hindering the burst rate.

And from page 6 of that thread.

Im experiencing the same problems as the people here but only on manual mode. on Tv or Av, if my shutter speed allows, then i can shoot at 8fps. I have been reading this thread and some have said that it might be due to an advanced metering system that the camera slows down. as i have observed, if you use evaluative metering then your camera will NOT slow down if you go from light to dark abruptly (only in Av and Tv, it WILL happen in M no matter what metering mode you're on). if you use any other metering mode, then you will get the FPS decline as everyone has noted.

i think its because when you use evaluative metering, when metering stops (when you take the picture) its kind of like you pushed the AE button for the Av and Tv mode (as noted earlier in the thread using the AE function alleviates this problem) -- im not sure what the problem with the M mode is though. i hope canon sees this and can send out an update asap. i really want my AF-on button to be used as a AI-servo <-> One shot button -- instead of my apreture preview button because its really inconvenient to press it while zooming in and out..

i hope this helps!
So from my two posts above.

1) Check battery charge.

2) If you can re-create this in Manual, change to AV or TV and see if it's the same - do this with a full battery and one at say 50%

Let us know please.
If its the metering system have you tried any other metering pattern, spot for instance to try and stop it being so damned accurate :) ?
