$9.5m for a stamp

I'm positive I'll be shot down in flames....but WTF?? Ridiculous.
If I had that sort of spare cash, I'd
flatalist refuse to spend it on that.
(Sorry :coat: )
If I had that sort of spare cash, I'd
flatalist refuse to spend it on that.
(Sorry :coat: )
Taxi for Chris! !! Lol
FWIW, in the "Aircraft - Very Low Flyby" thread, I posted a video of Alain de Cadenet ducking away from a low flying Spitfire. He owns [owned?] his own Spitfire; owned a Formula One team for a while and then rebuilt the car into a sports car and ran the team at Le Mans for several years. Not to mention a lump of South Kensington Mews and a lot of important classic cars.

I don't think he was born poor, but he grew up collecting stamps and apparently he paid for the Formula 1 Brabham by selling one of his stamp albums! :wideyed:
FWIW, in the "Aircraft - Very Low Flyby" thread, I posted a video of Alain de Cadenet ducking away from a low flying Spitfire. He owns [owned?] his own Spitfire; owned a Formula One team for a while and then rebuilt the car into a sports car and ran the team at Le Mans for several years. Not to mention a lump of South Kensington Mews and a lot of important classic cars.

I don't think he was born poor, but he grew up collecting stamps and apparently he paid for the Formula 1 Brabham by selling one of his stamp albums! :wideyed:

Nice bit of trivia (y)
If you've got the money and its what you enjoy then fair play to whom ever it is....hell if I won the lottery I'd buy one of those damned expensive Canon EF 1200mm jobbies, why? just because I could...
If I had that sort of spare cash, I'd
flatalist refuse to spend it on that.
(Sorry :coat: )

The person that would have bought that doesn't have that sort of spare cash..

They have a lot lot lot more spare cash.
$10 million dollars is pocket change to a billionaire.

Roman Abromovich pays over £20 Million per year just to run ONE of his fleet of yachts.

I don't think Mr Avg can imagine just how rich the mega rich are.
Assuming I had that amount to spend I would not use it to buy that, but each to his/her own.

If I had loads of money I'd buy, for example, Mondrian, Kandinsky, Durer and Vermeer, but others may disagree.

If mine I would probably drop it and one of the dogs would eat it!!!