A Beautiful Guernsey Sunset

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Morning chaps!

As a final outing for my D60, I popped down to Guernsey's most northerly west facing beach...and tried my hand at some sunset shots. This is what I managed:





All comments welcome!

The third is the best for me. I think they still need a little more foreground interest leading the eye to the horizon. Unfortunately on the third the sky is blown a little but I think it can be saved.
#3 and #4 for me too! Love number 3 though, I think its one awesome shot! Well done :)
You're very lucky living on an Island - easy access to sunrise and sunset on the coast all year round!

Thank's for all the great comments guys!

I can assure you I know how lucky I am, and don't take it for granted! Having moved away for a few years, you soon realise how great some of the views here are!

Number 4 is my personal favourite, and a shot that I've been trying to get for a while. I'll keep working at it though, and try and improve, as this is only my second attempt at a sunset.

Thanks again for the comments.

Why is it the last outing of your D60?

I've moved up in the world and now have myself a D300s. The D60 has been relegated to substitute camera.

We will have to meet up for a sunset photo session and you can pass some tips on to me :D:D:D

Not quite sure I've got too many tips to pass on, but I'd certainly be up for meeting and trying! :p

are you after crit on these, or a pat on the back? Thought I would ask before commenting.
Hi Paul,

Fair enough, I didn't want to steam in if you were looking for "good shots" or say "good shot" if you were looking for further comment.

Landscapes is one are I like, and I am very jealous of the big smooth rocks going into the sea - we have just miles and miles of Sandy beaches here.

Ok my thoughts follow. Feel free to tell me to sod off!

1) Has some nice colours however that's about it. There is no foreground interest to the shot and the silhoutted shadows in my opinion offer nothing to it. You've captured a pretty sunset with interesting pastelly colours in the sky, but nothing much more I can add on this.

2) Lots of foreground interest and some nice use of ND filters. Possibly a tad overexposed however the netbook I am on in a hotel room at the moment is uncalibrated, so, I'll hold that thought. What in, my opinion would make it better, is, if possible get lower into the shot which will emphasise the foreground, bring the horizon onto a 1/3 and also help flatten it. Whilst I appreciate the earth is not flat, the general rule for seascapes is the horizon is flat. (yuo won't fall off the edge though!) Either that or a tweak of lens correction in PS to even it out. Overall though, I do like it.

3) Again, I like the composition, though again feel it may be slightly overexposed. (see above) ND filter may help or a bit of photoshopping of raw files can help where you can adjust one for the foreground and another for the sky and merge....... (though to be honest, grad ND is the better way forwards.)

4) Some nice colours and I feel it will take a bit of contrast / sat boost (a gentle one) to further bring out the colours. Compositionally , I feel it would benefit from a lower angle to again move horizons onto a 1/3 and increase the foreground interest.

Those are just my opinions. Sorry if it's not in "fluffy" language. It's easy to sit here and look at a photo and offer your opinion without knowing of the location, and restraints, access problems, etc......
On my screen 1&4 look rather soft - even 2 and 3 don't look so sharp - are you using a decent tripod and also how did you focus?
Number three is absolutely spot on
For me the forth one is the best as I do like the orange hues in a sunset. If you had used bracketing on the first one you may have been able to tease out a bit more foreground detail with a light HDR run.