A bit'o'rugger


Foot elevated on the stool
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No footie, so went to Gravesend Rugby Club 1st XV. Haven't done any rugby since last season, so a bit of a test for me.
Any thoughts?





The rest are at http://photodiva.zenfolio.com/p588174990

Shot in raw. Stayed until about 4pm when the light started going big-time. Eyes started going funny with all those stripes! Thanks for looking.
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1. Sadly no ball in frame so doesn't really work IMO

2. The back of a player isn't really much good, unless the eye is drawn to the tackler(s), which I'm not sure is the case here as it's all a bit messy.

3 and 4 are really good though, but I'd suggest you crouch/sit and to get closer to ground level. Standard cliched suggestion I know, but it's a pretty safe bet for improving team sports shots.
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Thanks, Patrick. Points noted. I did take my footie seat but found that when i planted it the action moved away from me! It was a bit of a tough game for gravesend. When it came my way all the team "extras" came too and got in my way. Not used to that! So i resorted to shadowing the local press chap a bit. He was standing with a monopod. I tried crouching but probably not enough. I need to address this aspect for any future games!
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Not icluded here but I like number 22 in your set. I've photographed Rugby League in the past, sadly not allowed to anymore, so never got those sort of shots. Well done, enjoyed the set.

Thanks, Tracey. I started into sport with Rugby League, but the club is no longer around here. Next time I'll take my waterproof trews. I found that behind one goal line is a bit of a slant down so I could, if I don't look too stupid trying to getting up again, lie on the ground and shoot from roughly ground level behind the goal. There's a metal barrier supposed to stop the players from barrelling down the slope. Risky position, would also be shooting into the sun, and I've not seen anyone apart from me go there. I didn't get any decent shots this time. Other end has a steep and tall slope up a bank, so no room to sit behind the line, and get low. Far side buts up against the raised hockey pitch with a brick wall, so not enough room to sit safely (at least for me!), but I noticed a lot of the action went on over that side. All sorts of challenges!

Just curious, if you don't mind me asking, why you don't shoot rugby any more?
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I used to have permission from my club (Hull Kingston Rovers), did it from the stands for around 4 years with varying degrees of success (see my flickr in my signature). Applied for my usual permission this year only to be told there had been a clampdown by the RFL and I wouldn't be allowed to take them anymore, one of the reasons stated was that people are taking them, getting them signed then flogging them on ebay!

Shame really, i do miss it, although I do get chance to do some youth rugby now and again for local teams.
Found a shot from my effort behind the goal line, lying down. Got there as the play moved that way, thought "I'll get a half decent try shot here", only for them to be awarded a penalty, taken (as you can see)- I always thought the opposing team had to stand behind the goal? A player nicely moved to stand between me and the penalty taker! and then the play moved up the other end of the pitch. So I gave it up, too wet and cold to stay there :-(. You can also see the wall and the steep bank in the shot. Hey ho, next time..

I found a link to the flickr photostream for the chap who usually takes pics for the club. Was at least satisifed that I got the shots he did, so I must've been following the action almost identically!
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Looked at the whole gallery and theres some nice captures but too many with no ball or just players backs.

Thanks, Gary. Ball is often really hard to see, its all bums and backs. I really take my hat off to you for your captures. I found it so hard to capture anything at all, really. I'll keep trying - pun intended ;)
I really miss photographing the rugby.

Stopped going to Southend RFC as I couldn't guarantee I could make it due to illness, so may start looking at a few of the local clubs just to keep me hand in.
I really miss photographing the rugby.

Stopped going to Southend RFC as I couldn't guarantee I could make it due to illness, so may start looking at a few of the local clubs just to keep me hand in.

Sorry to hear that, Martin. Hope you keep well enough to get stuck in somewhere!
Thanks Carol, will just keep an eye on who's at home and just pop along and get some snaps.
Thanks JB. Will look into that, but I'm wondering if I can do that under DataCo? I notice Gary has the watermark on his front page?