A box full of Autumn

Edit My Images
Missed the boat (several times) for the bi-weekly assignment so I'll have to post it here.

Bored out of my mind this afternoon and having a hard drive cleanup and thought I'd have a muck about with this one before it went in the bin:

nice. what did you do with it then? what was the original like? I hope you archive your shots before wiping them. I'm, terrible, I even keep my naff shots!
gandhi said:
nice. what did you do with it then? what was the original like? I hope you archive your shots before wiping them. I'm, terrible, I even keep my naff shots!

I basically painted a layer mask and put it in its own layer. tweaked levels/curves etc and applied my magic sharpening broth.
Then I tweaked the remaining area in its own layer and converted it to black and white and attached an agressive dose of noise reduction to blur it and bring the focus on the colour section.
First time I've tried this selective colour malarkey, I know a lot of peeps aren't keen on it but I had to give it a whirl
meh, I like the selctive colour thing when it's done well, as it is here. I think the issue most people have is, that like my fav, the lomo effect, it has been a bit overdone as it tends to be one of the first sort of creative things people have a go at in photoshop.

me, I've still not gotten to grips with masks yet. I'm getting some PS books for chrimbo so look out. Overprocessed images Ahoy!
Nah, it's all good. My flat mate is bit of an artist on the quiet, he's very much into the heavy photoshop alteration of images, but in a dirty, shot on a £40 p&s kind of way. I'm all for it. I think you can too hung up on the 'clean, sharp, obviously digital' theme. Had quite an interesting err, drunken 'discussion' shall we say about all this last night! It's quite hard these days to find a 'look' for your pics, a way of doing things, a style etc and I think the only way is to get stuck in, fiddle about and see how it turns out. Then run it up a flag pole and see who salutes it!
cracking shot Steve, i like that a lot
gandhi said:
Then run it up a flag pole and see who salutes it!

I think that perfectly sums up myself, and I suppose many many others.
I never have a particular 'look' or 'feel' that I try and apply to a shot, I just try and get it looking 'right'.

That includes, composition, lighting, rule of thirds (if applicable), colours, focus/sharpness etc.
That is all I aim for in my shots :p (And frequently fail;))