A clearly battered and abused dog...

David Purvis
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Yesterday we took our dog, Kody, for his first modelling shoot at the beach after I got my new 450d for christmas.

As you can see, he's clearly hard done to and very upset.....

What a heart-melting expression ... love it :clap:
First off, great capture of the expression on the dogs face

I'm really distracted by some strange PP at work here below the eye, strange blur and odd contrast. Care to explain whats going on here ? :shrug:
Oh, he loves it - he's a right poser. As you can see, he hates going down to the sea :)

Note the frogs legs. We've tried to teach him to lie down "properly", but he just won't have it!


I'm really distracted by some strange PP at work here below the eye, strange blur and odd contrast. Care to explain whats going on here ? :shrug:

Exactly as you said - strange PP work from my brand-new-to-it-cack-handedness! He had drool all over is nose so I, ahem, subtly cloned it out.
Hyakuhei - This was the original un-PP'ed picture for reference.


Thanks for the feedback.

geat capture of your dog's face .....aawww those puppy dog eyes
Butter wouldnt melt :D

I think you should give the PP another go as it looks like there is an old scar on his cheek and the blurred line of fur from the eye down the cheek is a little distracting. That said with my photoshop skills it would look alot worse!
I've got a Springer just as abused as yours so don't feel too bad about it ;) Lovely dog BTW :)
I have to say, its a great photo, I love the expression and the bokeh in the photo is lovely.

I've done a little PP work here:



Firstly I created an auto-leveled adjustment layer. Then I duplicated the image layer and worked on the duplicate. I used the patch tool to remove the long white line and polished the edges with the clone stamp tool.

Its not perfect, only took a minute or two though I'm sure it would pass most inspections ;) PP work done in Adobe Photoshop CS4.

Hope this helps
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Love the expression. Did he wrangle some treats out of you?

He's spoiled rotten. To be honest my camera is the best xmas present he's ever had. I call it "plenty of photo opportunities" - he calls it "longer walks and to more places" :)
Lovely! I just love chocolate labs! If I didnt have a retriever...... (who also has froggy legs!)

He's spoiled rotten. To be honest my camera is the best xmas present he's ever had. I call it "plenty of photo opportunities" - he calls it "longer walks and to more places" :)

I bought my camera, because I'd be walking the dog at silly o'clock in the morning, and wanted to capture the great sunrises and misty conditions I was seeing.

And a bit like you the dog does get to go to different places now because I want to photograph them :LOL: :LOL:
Hyakuhei - brilliant version. That was what I was trying to do!

Thanks everyone else for the kind comments.
No worries wurman, welcome to the forums - I'm looking forward to seeing more of your photos!