A cold Coniston

Great shots,nice to have caught it with no footprints as you said.No1 for me as well.
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It wasn't that early, about 10 or so this morning. The sun was covered by cloud, it let just the right amount of light through to give that cold, crisp and muted tone. Pure luck on my part in being there at the right time. Another photographer had got there a few mins before me and we had a chat and neither of us ventured out so as not to ruin it for others. A family with children were heading up there as i returned, so i doubt the snow remained untrodden for long:)
Stunning Photo but is it me or my screen it seems to me to have a Blueish tint to it

It has a blue-ish tint to it, probably a mix of the light and the white balance as affectred by the snow.
Here's one with a bit of white balance correction...think i prefer the blue tint...

DSCF1125.jpg by BobC44, on Flickr
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grin...am just happy to of been in the right place at the right time for once....
Now that is Far better with the white balance correction

Hi Bob,

#1....I hope you don't mind but Ive lifted the exposure by 1stop in LR keeping the blue tint which you like.


I'll delete it if you don't like, please just say.
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Cheers for the comments peeps, much appreciated.

grahame...no problem, it's always nice to see others takes on an image and I'm not one to get hung up on that sort of think. It really makes it look frosty...Brrrrrrr:)
Good shot and I also like the last edit too, even with a few foot prints you could have cloned them out.

Also you missed the opportunity to walk down to the end and back (different footsteps) and clone one set out (or both) and have a shot with just steps going out and another shot with steps coming back, one for next time maybe.

Well done!
an absolute belter, I like both normal and overexposed shots. Think I would have done the footprint thing, get people guessing
Very nice shots and you were lucky to get no footprints.
We had rain only no snow.