A couple from Glen Coe

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Martin all three are stunning especially the first which is so well put together.
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Nice set Marin

I'd agree with Alf about number one. 'Three Sisters' shots can all be a bit similar. You've got some lovely foreground which not only strengthens the composition but makes it stand out from the norm.

Number 3 is a bit more predictable but it's one of the better shots from that spot.

2 I like because (whilst it's familiar to me) it's something different from the area.
1st for me too, just brings Scotland to the monitor screen :)
Considering the area is 'done to death' those are excellent views I've never seen before.
The barn is an especially nice spot.
A really great set of images Martin, with #1 being the fav' for me.(y)

I really like all three of them, all taken from really nice spots! Good work.
Thank you all so much for the kind words :)

@Halfcharged Processing was kept to a minimum, if I have to spend more than 5-10 mins processing a shot, then it isn't good enough. There was a grad added over the sky (as it was shot with the 14mm Samyang, so can't attach my Lees) vibrance upped slightly (it was taken at sunset) and a wee bit of dodging and burning on the stone wall to really make it a strong part of the image. After that, just some selective sharpening and that would be about it from memory.
Quite exceptional shots Martin! I applaud your work. That's a moral I need to aspire too 5-10 mins in PP(y)
No1 really is stunning .... thanks for posting these super shots!
Beautiful shots of one of my favourite places.