A couple from the lights last night


Numpty of the Day'
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These were taken between 2 and 3 this morning from close to South Erradale in NW Scotland. The first looking north, the second more to north west.
From what I have heard this morning I missed the best display which apparently happened earlier in the night.

At this time the visual display was no where near as intense as the photos. There were a few suggestions of moving light but without the colour. The main effect was the north and north west horizons were much lighter than anywhere else.

All comments welcomed.

The lights were supposed to be visible in Wales last night, but I did not see them.

Well taken.

No 1 does it for me...

Great work, I really want to see, and capture of course, the northern lights!
Great shots! I'm very jealous that you were able to take such stunning images.
I found the night quite underwhelming. I saw little activity and I was out for a couple of hours up until about midnight. The sky was bright to the north west and there was plenty of clouds but the aurora only showed up as a green band like your first photo no sign of activity that others reported seeing and photographed. I took a look out at 2.30am and the sky was fairly bright but cloud was coming back in and it had started to drizzle. Perhaps I was too late going out but the cloud was more dense earlier,

I've still some photos to look through but I don't expect to find anything as interesting as your second photo.

Tonight looked promising until it went dark. :( I've been outside a few times but it's not particularly bright though there's not much cloud. Still, all my batteries are charged and car loaded up just in case!
Thanks for the comments all. I think you did well to see some colour in the aurora, Derek. I was lucky with the second shot. At that time in the morning probably the richest part of the Milky Way as seen from the northern hemisphere, was setting towards the north west so was in the same part of the sky as the lights.

Thanks for the comments all. I think you did well to see some colour in the aurora, Derek. I was lucky with the second shot. At that time in the morning probably the richest part of the Milky Way as seen from the northern hemisphere, was setting towards the north west so was in the same part of the sky as the lights.


Sadly I had more activity in the photos I took hand-held from the back door when I was checking the activity early on in the night than the ones off the tripod later on. If I had transport available at that time I might have got a decent photo.