A couple from today...

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I've recently lost motivation due to certain circumstance of late, I normally shoot landscape, but slowly getting back into it...I thought i'd try something I first done when I first got my DSLR, just to see how much, if any, i've improved over the last 9 months or so....

These are all taken at ~250mm using the Canon 55-250IS, it's the longest lens I own, so I had to be pretty sneaky/patient to get the shots, although I sat in the sun waiting to get the woodpecker for 2 hours or so, he never really came out from the trees :( ....

Chaffinch by steelo26581 (Been AWOL, trying to catch up), on Flickr

Great tit by steelo26581 (Been AWOL, trying to catch up), on Flickr

House Sparrow by steelo26581 (Been AWOL, trying to catch up), on Flickr
Hi Martin.
You should get back into it. These are a good start with #3 being my favorite.

I have been going through a lot of crap myself recently and getting out with the camera is a good way to destress.

Good luck with it all and keep the pictures coming.:)
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Thank you Martin...it was nice to be back out and about with the camera yesterday.

I'm really pleased when I look back at my first pics, and now of these, as I have improved so much....I know these aren't anything special in comparison to what others shoot on here, but birds aren't my "thing"....yet. :)