A couple more from Capel curig

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As mentioned in my other post my friend to me out landscaping yesterday the light was difficult and but the ice formations around the waterfalls were amazing i have struggled to do them justice

550D Tamron 17-50 taken with F18 and a ND grad with slow shutter speeds on tripod first one 0.5 second one 0.6
C&C please :)
the first one is a very slight crop and have lightened slightly in DPP


You certainly like a challenge, this area in this light! And in #1 I feel you have really met it (y) I like the desaturated look and it really gives the feel for the cold. i also like the composition - excluding as much dull sky as possible is a good un :D

#2 is similar in approach though you have more sky and I feel it doesn't work as well. The water is busy with less interest beyond the foreground to balance the activity, the sky could go here also as it adds nothing, imo.
thanks for the C&C Tina very helpful :), still figuring out what works with landscapes , I normally do macro which is a lot easier!
heres another one taken at the same spot with this one I used a higher shutterspeed to freeze the water and I have cropped out the sky a bit
I really like No 1 though I feel that you are missing the feel of the mountain by omitting the sky. My take on it would be to paste some of the sky in from No 2 (after doing some colour adjustment and curves correction) thus making the photo into an elongated portrait mode photo. I love the ice crystals in the foreground.

I also like No 2, but I feel that the picture has too much of a green cast and would be better warmed up a little.
Thanks a lot everyone for the C&C its really helpful :) I have re edited the first one, brightened it a bit:) I have sharpened them but think they need a bit more for uploading to photobucket It has taken ages to get the colours right most of the shots I took had a purple cast to them I have ordered a Kood ND8 and will chuck the Cokins ! Will have another go at the second one as well Pete