A couple of motorway light trails.

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A couple of motorway light trails taken last month.

Traffic approaching the Forth Road Bridge from the North, Pentax K100D with Tamron 70-300:


A quick drive and 5 minute walk let me get to another viewpoint over the M90, Pentax K100D with 18-55mm kit lens:


Light trails are interesting, if somewhat cold on a January evening! :)
I want to have a go at this one day, need to scope out the best places in my area (not too many motorways near me lol)

I prefer the second shot to the first! but both are very good, and it looks like your having lots of fun with it, which is the main thing!
No 2 for me really like that one

The first one is a little off putting with the big white blob of light coming out of the tunnel.

Just my opinion but well done on two nice shots
i really like the second shot with the colour of the light trails and the glow from the town over the horizon. I'm not a fan of the streetlights in the first one, i always think that yellow colour is a little bit dirty but it's come out alright in the second with the star points
I want to have a go at this one day, need to scope out the best places in my area (not too many motorways near me lol)

I prefer the second shot to the first! but both are very good, and it looks like your having lots of fun with it, which is the main thing!

Hey, no motorways, but we've got the A47, and plenty of bridges!!!
Hey, no motorways, but we've got the A47, and plenty of bridges!!!

like i said i need to scope out some possibles :) being pretty much right slap bang in norwich, there should be somewhere!!!

Agree with the above comments totally, the second shot is def the one!!
I think I'm going to go against the grain and say #1. With a tighter crop I think that would be a truly magnificent image. Do like both though!
Thanks for the replies! I might recrop the first image to a tighter crop - however it's not particularly sharp image as it was a little windy when I was taking that shot.
im quite interested in the 1st shot, where were you when you took this?
i live at dulloch park.