A Couple Of Portraits...

April 2008
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...or landscapes, depending on your point of view.

A couple more from my early morning at Seaton Carew as originally shown here. Hope you don't mind, but I'm really pleased with the way these are coming out.

Again, I'd love to hear your thoughts on them.



Beautiful, stunning colours, well taken(y)
Both good, but the first is my pick mainly because you have two off centre focal points (the green large rocks), while in the second, the green hump of the rock is central and quite dominant, resulting in a barrier to entering the composition.

Of course neither would be any good if the rest of the composition was crap-fortunately yours isn't-you have captured a stunning sky, with gorgeous reflections, so all the elements come together very well.

My only slight niggle on the first is you have a slight sharpening halo, noticeable on the stick/post-midpoint on the first image-but no biggy.
What a stunning sky! You have done well and as Les says the first is compositionally more pleasing. The slate coloured rocks are a little blue which may be a result of the white balance being left in auto but needs a little fix imo. Great stuff! (y)
1st one for me, beautiful composition as Les has already said (far more eloquently than I could) and some great colours and depth to the image.:clap:
I prefer the first too, it just draws you in whilst in the 2nd the rock at the forefront is a little distracting. Just my view though.
The first is a pure stunner... The second wins too, but not in the league of the first... Well captured.
Many thanks for the kind comments from everyone. :)

Both good, but the first is my pick mainly because you have two off centre focal points (the green large rocks), while in the second, the green hump of the rock is central and quite dominant, resulting in a barrier to entering the composition.

This is so obvious now that you've mentioned it. And looking at the second image again, I am finding that my eye stops with the central green wooden stump. I guess these are the sort of things I'll learn to spot as time goes on. So, today's compositional lesson - foreground interest is good, but don't stick it slap bang in the centre of the frame as it creates a mental block and stops the eye proceeding into the image?

My only slight niggle on the first is you have a slight sharpening halo, noticeable on the stick/post-midpoint on the first image-but no biggy.

I nearly cloned that out, but it's reflected too, so I didn't. I think it's like a giant nail or bit of steel as the 'rocks' seem to be the remains of 'something'. Though not sure what. There is concrete, wood, bits of steel poking out, and a very dangerous bit where I slipped slightly and had visions of impaling myself in the leg with these rusty great spikes!
Lovely shots Lee. First one for me. The cloud colours are excellent, the moment was just right to catch a low reflection from the sun across the surface of the still water. And it doesn't have the green lump in the middle of the foreground. (Thanks Les for explaining what that does to the image).