A few from Castle Combe (Classic Saloon Raceday)

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I swear it's never been this cold for the start of the season before, but anyhow.

I usually like to experiment a bit, and did spend a fair bit of time shooting between 1/15 and 1/50 today, usually I get a reasonable keeper rate but the combination of wind and very cold hands got the better of me. So here are a few conventional pics from an excellent season-opener...

(all with Nikon D50 + Nikon 300mm f4, apart from static shot with 50mm 1.8)








A few more here: http://chrisharrison.smugmug.com/gallery/4579325_qLhEP

Thoughts/comments more than welcome.
Yeah 1 and 5 for me too. 5 is excellent it looks like a computer shot.

Some big air on No.1, how did it manage that?
#1 and #5 again here. Nice shots.

It is cold at the mo. - 1/15 - 1/50 is great. I had trouble getting many keepers 1/60 and even 1/100 at Thruxton on Sunday due to my shivering hands!
Some big air on No.1, how did it manage that?

At Combe there is an rise (Avon Rise) right before the notorious Quarry Corner, so most cars are braking over the rise, which does very interesting things to the cars suspension due to loads being put on it. A lot of cars usually cock a rear wheel or do a little hop but this was the first time I've seen a car with fully two wheels off the ground for any length of time.
My favourites actually the ferrari close up, great colours and composition, nice one :)
Thanks for the comments people. It's quite pleasing that the static Ferrari shot is well liked, the situation was tough to say the least (it was a grid-walk and it was absolutely packed), of the 30 or so shots from that short period of the day this is the only one not swarming with people.