A few from Flamborough

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Had a couple of trips over to Flamborough recently.

Unfortunately, light's been poor with only a slight breeze, keeping most flying birds fairly low to the sea.
Highlight, again, was seeing the Badgers :banana:, just wish they'd make an appearance before sunset instead of after!

Fulmar, unusual crop but I'd clipped its wings in close :rolleyes:

Fulmar 1024.jpg

Incoming Puffin

Incoming 1024.jpg

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Young Gannet, possibly a 2nd year bird?

Young Gannet 1024.jpg

Always plenty of Kestrel along the clifftops

Kes 1024.jpg

And the family of Badgers just emerging after sunset :)

Badgers 1024.jpg
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Nice to see Phill, love that incoming puffin


Thanks Mike, I liked the background on that, taken at low tide and the bg colour is seaweed, just a little heavy on the crop so lacking in detail.

All this wet weather is making for another poor owl year, carries on like this and the voles are going to need your diving gear!

Hope alls well matey, cheers
Great to see the Badger family emerging. (y)
Great to see the Badger family emerging. (y)

Cheers Roger, they are lovely to see, we've been lucky so far, 3 visits and 3 sightings.

The sett is on a steep hillside and east facing. I keep threatening Lynn with a 3am wake up call, would be great to try get a few pics at sunrise.

Its a little too far from the campsite for me to walk so I'd have to go in campervan, she'd either have to get up or stay in bed whilst we drive there........she's not keen on either option :LOL: