A few from our African safari

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young male, recently fed on a wildebeest

a pair of tree squirrels in the early morning sun

Mother and daughter black rhinos. Quite rare where we were and known to be aggressive. They kept advancing toward us so we backed up.
Eventually they turned into the bush to feed and we drove slowly past them only to be charged by a two and a half ton angry black bull rhino who had been watching us hidden in the bush to our left.
Only my wife's eagle eyes and the swift action of our ranger stopped us going home in a pizza box!
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Highly impressive shots - esp. 1 & 2.
Great shots, love the lion and the steenbok. What park were you in?
All excellent shots looks like you had a great time:)
Very nice especially #1

Thanks.They're called steenboks because they appear to turn to stone when being pursued by a predator and so blend into the bush. At least that's what the ranger said!
I found them incredibly beautiful and all I wanted was one face-on eye contact shot to show off their amazing ears.

Good bunch - Lion is a cracker:) You didn't manage any pics of the charging rhino? tut tut:D


I thinking I was too busy screaming! Anyway, he was so close my 100-400 couldn't cope, it was too long even at 100mm :eek:
2nd and 4th are great, very nice images.

The first shot seems heavily over-sharpened, and this has brought the noise in the background into prominence also. I'm not sure the shot needed that much sharpening. The third shot is also slightly over-sharpened, but it's a nice composition and light. A notch or two less sharpening and it would good also.
2nd and 4th are great, very nice images.

The first shot seems heavily over-sharpened, and this has brought the noise in the background into prominence also. I'm not sure the shot needed that much sharpening. The third shot is also slightly over-sharpened, but it's a nice composition and light. A notch or two less sharpening and it would good also.

Yep, guilty as charged! I've had a closer look at the steenbok image and it was actually quite soft so it did need some. The squirrel shot I knew I'd sharpened too much but was overeager to show it.
Definitely should go easier on the sharpen trigger :)
Thanks for the comments.
Actually it is somewhat dependant on monitor - it seemed obvious on my calibrated RGBLED display, but on another laptop it's less intrusive. Nice captures though.
Footman, can I ask how you found the 100-400mm for safari? I'm going myself next month and trying to decide what telephoto lens to buy/rent..
Footman, can I ask how you found the 100-400mm for safari? I'm going myself next month and trying to decide what telephoto lens to buy/rent..

It depends on what you want to do. A prime lens would be sharper,but much more expensive and heavier. Although I did use the 100-400 at full stretch most of the time there were times when I didn't and was grateful that I was able to do so.
In an ideal world I would like to take a Canon 300mm f2.8 L IS and a 1.4X converter and have my wife carry a 5DmarkII with a 24-105L for me to use at the snap of my fingers!

I did have a 40D with that lens as a spare but it was hardly ever used. The 100-400L is supposed to be the most popular Canon safari lens, I'm very pleased to have taken mine.
Haha thanks.. bit out of my price range though ;) I'm only using a 450D, so will either pick up a 100-400 on here for 6 months while I do a couple of holidays where I'm going to need it, or I'll just rent it for 2 weeks..

Haven't got the luxury of a spare body, but will have a mate using something like a 400D with 55-250 beside me so hoping he can capture most of the other shots..
My colleague went on a photo safari to the mara. Of the other people people on the trip, one had a 500 F4L IS, one had a 300 F2.8L IS, one had a panasonic superzoomy thing and everyone else 7-8 people had 100-400L while my colleague had his Sigma 150-500 OS. Using his 450D, he came back wanting a 100-400. If you have the 55-250 then you might also want to consider the 300 F4L IS + 1.4X TC combo.