A few from the Loop

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Ok, so these were taken back in April, on our honeymoon. Yes @Andrewrallye and I went on honeymoon to the Mach Loop :D.

They were taken with his D90, using his 70-300mm Lens. Settings wise I couldn't tell you, probably auto as it was my first real attempt with a DSLR - so be kind :oops: :$. I know they're certainly not up to the standard of many I see on here, but they gave me the bug and I forced him into buying me my own DSLR when we came home lol.

_DSC4793 by Vici Coole, on Flickr
_DSC4866 by Vici Coole, on Flickr
_DSC4781 by Vici Coole, on Flickr
_DSC4784 by Vici Coole, on Flickr
_DSC4862 by Vici Coole, on Flickr
_DSC4866 by Vici Coole, on Flickr
_DSC4960 by Vici Coole, on Flickr

Thanks for looking, taken me a long time to be brave enough to post any pics :rolleyes:
Hi Vici, I'm a beginner and have not had the guts to post, kudos to you! While I don't feel that I have the experience to give a "critique", I can say that I think you did a very nice job for your first time out. :)
I would be happy with them.

I would also be itching for someone to ask what I did with my new wife on honeymoon so I could get the obvious "took the mrs up the loop" euphemism in :)
thanks both :) feeling less nervous about posting now.

Sadly Chris, no-one has been that obvious. Gutted cos I'd have laughed my rocks off
Hi Vici, I'm a beginner and have not had the guts to post, kudos to you! While I don't feel that I have the experience to give a "critique", I can say that I think you did a very nice job for your first time out. :)
Get some shots posted, I have learnt from the useful critique that has been given here. ;)
I think number one is my favourite, it is big enough in the frame without being to tightly cropped.