A few from this weekend wedding in Scotland

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Oh what a weekend, a 911 mile round trip, 16 hours in the car for a fantastic wedding. Knackered beyond belief today.

The bride and groom live in Australia where it was 40 degrees when they left, The whole day it did not get above freezing and was well below for most of it.

Bride had been following my blog and website and challenged me to do something funky with her £4000 Ian Stuart Wedding Dress so.....


Oh all of these photos are from JPG's on the day that I use for the slideshow I run before the first dance and are pretty much SOOC edits.


The shoe shot, I do have one without all the crap on the table top but for the slideshow I pick images from the thumbnails and picked the wrong one


bride running down the stairs

cold and frosty field


hope you like
All very nice. Sky a bit blown in the last but still decent. Where was it?
Drumtochy Castle just south of Aberdeen - stunning stunning venue - yep sky was blown but didnt have enough flash power to kill it as the sun was very very low in the sky up there
Really nice set David, like the last one in particular, I wish every venue had fields like that around it!

Cool idea with the dress, I like the idea of getting some outside shots of the dress hung up but always chicken out for fear of a passing bird sending me from hero to zero....... I need to get the idea in a brides head beforehand so she suggests it I reckon!
Drumtochy Castle just south of Aberdeen -

Yeh, thought it might have been there. Lovely place, just a few miles from where I am.
Thanks guys

Brash, cold part of the world, it was frikking freezing all day

You big southern softie:LOL:. I was up Glenshee at 4 in the morning the other night, in shirt sleeves. Magic!!(y)
That dress shot is a fake............nobody would dare to do that to a dress, what mug would climb up there and risk his life for that.

That last shot has worked fantastically well.
this kind of mug


Hey Look its Tom Astley everyone :)

Tom came up and helped me out on the wedding, just writing about it on my blog, should be online shortly.......