A Few Lessons

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Morning all ...

So over the past few weeks a few lessons learnt that may be interesting for some ..

Lesson 1 - while being critical of one's own work is good, sometimes you need to consider sending an average shot .... I had been shooting a game at QPR a few weeks back. Equaliser scored by QPR in pretty much the last minute ... Free Kick. The player, Kranjcar, had been obscured while taking the shot so I followed the ball in, snap snap snap ... GOAL ... checked the back of the camera and was right royally peeved that the two frames which had something, I'd missed the critical focus (in my eyes the keeper / ball plane of view ... I decided not to send ... (Fatal mistake) ... As I was packing up a message from the boss man "nothing from the free kick goal"... I sent what I had .... Fast forward 24 hours and a copy of Sun Goals in my hand ... I almost spat my beer out as I saw what I thought to my picture - poor focus and all .. (almost a double page spread) ... sadly as I checked the finer details I realised it wasn't .... So a valuable lesson here is that while I certainly am still critical about what gets sent in the event of having only average shots, but they are shots of a critical piece of action ... send them up. The guys on the desk will then make the decision on moving on . Now of course no guarantee that even if I'd have sent mine would have been published .. but I guess we will never know :)

Lesson 2 - sometimes taking a chance is worth it - Arsenal v Spurs game from last week ... Following Arsenal attack on the managers side in the first half .. along with about about 10 other togs (it was remarkably quiet given the game (I guess Ryder Cup etc ) .... 0-0 at half time. I have a decision. Keep following Arsenal attack (i.e. move ends and hope for space -which I'm sure there would have been given my earlier point on the lower numbers than usual) ... or follow Spurs attack ... I chose the latter .. however this is where the chance taking kicks in ... you see the safe option when following Spurs would have been to switch sides .. putting me in front of the Spurs fans .. so any celebration shot runs, hopefully right down the barrel .. The thing is ... pretty much all (apart from 1 other bloke) the other togs have also moved across .. joining the 5 or so who were already on that side from the first half .... So I decide to stay put in the hope that if Spurs score the player decides to run towards the Arsenal fans ... Well Spurs do score and yes .. the player does turn and run in the direction I was hoping .. Sadly not directly down the barrel .. more across ... but still got that and turns out it's been picked up ... I'm not saying I take chances like that every game but sometimes it does help to consider things such as this when up against the big boys ..

As I say, hope you found those two lessons useful ...


As a newbie this sort of stuff is great to read. Cheers.

Maybe if wherever you sit you have great big bags of (pretend) cash in front of you they'll run towards you as that's all most of them seem to care about ;0)
Lesson 2 - I do that all of the time, always try thinking outside of the box so to speak

scenario - Hartlepool United a few weeks back beating Brentford. Take up my usual space, 10 minutes before kick off I am joined by a couple of snappers, one from a big agency. so thinking away I got chatting to them and decided to move :Quite fancy Pools to score an a cele over there" as I pointed towards the side, between corner flag and dugout so moved over to there. low and behold 5 minutes in (yes 5 minutes). a goal and cele right at my feet. Looked up to see the others smiling shaking there heads.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but think outside the box a little and do something different now and again. its good :)