A few more Zoo shots


TPer Emeritus
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A couple more shots from the Zoo the other day.
Honest C&C welcome & appreciated as always (y)

1. Mmmm, feet :LOL:


2. Mr. King


Cheers for looking (y)
Very nice indeed -although I'm not a big B/W fan - these work - esp second one.
Nice shots Mike deffo need to meet up with you again really enjoyed our meeting last time

Nice work Mike,
B&W definately the way to go on these.
Can see why you got that 5D so cheap now, it only takes black & white photos :LOL:
Number 2 mr king works very nicely indeed great stuff :clap:
:agree: mike second one for me(y)
well done
thems ok


ok ok the first one is nice as said its not every day that you get a big cat like that doing its nails nice capture imho only wish i had the same shot :naughty:

the second one has very nice lighting all concentrated on the lion leaving a nice darker background works very well imo
" only wish i had one of them aswell"

all just imho fwiw

dave (y)
:LOL: Cheers Dave (y)

Here's one more - this time from the reptile house - I'm not sure what the blurred object over his/her leg was - the lighting was kind once again & I think it's drawn attention to the face a bit more than it usually would have done.


Cheers for looking (y)
crackers, all 3 of them, #2 is my favourite but i really like them all.
Nice shots Mike, well done on the Tiger shot, it can't have been easy to shoot through that fence.
Wonderful set Mike(y)

I really do like all 3 ... but omg! the lion shot just sings!
Probably my favourite lion shot Ive seen to date.
Its so beautiful I'm practically speechless! make the most of that, doesnt happen often!:)
Mr King for me too mate, the b&w conversion makes for a very powerful portrait (y)
I think it's the first time I've seen a lion looking wistful and deep in thought.
That is an excellent photo Mike and a worthy of wall space. :clap:
Stunning set Mike, absolutely love the Lion shot. Great conversions too. :clap:
All gorgeous Mike (y)

>> Off to look at your other thread to see where you went...