A few recents!

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"Cracking" set of images Matt, as usual all round perfect technique.(y)

Such cool macros, I`m liking th velvet mite just for the colour, never seen one but the colour is sublime.
Overall, they are all great shots.
Welcome back.
#1 is superb .... very lucky to find a centi that stayed still and being able to get that close to it. :D
These are insanely good Matt, definitely making me want to get the macro gear out!!!

One slight crit is the 1st shot (the best imo) isn't as well processed as the others, lacks the vibrance of them.
Truly stunning work Matt
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Thanks everyone :)

@Tintin124 many logs a turned, many a centipede scatter, I covered this one with some leaf litter, let it calm down, then carefully removed the leaf litter, the flash heads casted a nice shadow over it which no doubt helped.

@Neil Burnell looking at them all together in this thread it does look rather dull compared to the rest, I'll have a play mate :) then I'll edit the image ;)
Absolutely outrageous shots Matt :D.

Fantastic work. Not about as much, my garden is as dead as a dead thing can be dead. Not seen a thing in MONTHS :/. Been busyng myself cycling and what not. I'm hoping on a much more productive macro year this year.
Thanks @IanClark

Most of what I have been finding is your typical leaf litter line up. I can't wait for it all to come alive again :)

Cycling sounds..........like exercise!!! I sweat just thinking about it