A few urban type shots


Kim Jong Bod
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I'm trying a new way of uploading and displaying on forums (idea shamelessly stolen of course). If it's a PITA for you doing it this way, then let me know.

Will upload part 2 tomorrow.

Thanks for looking :)
Me like!

I must make an effort to go walkabout just to capture something a little different!
Some great shots there Marcel. The shopping cart makes for an interesting subject, especially in it's surroundings. I like it! :thumb:

Not too sure on the display. Although it looks great it's a wee bit of a PITA. I prefer to just scroll down and see em. I am lazy I know. :D

Another vote for PITA. After looking at 2 full size images I can't be bothered repeating the process so just looked at the thumbs ;)

I looked at this for ages until I worked it out...:D Pain In The @r.............:laugh1:

Well it is early in the morning..:D
I like the idea but I am with Jewel, I am just too lazy to bother with the extra clicks.

Then again most of these shots only really work as part of a collection so your decision was probably a good one.

With imageshack, you can copy the direct link (at bottom) once you've uploaded the photo and paste it into the post using the image button in the forum posting page...if this is an ostrich egg, then of course, I accept all that is forthcoming, lol!
Some good shots, but have to agree with the others - when presented like this, it's too much hassle to keep clicking, opening new windows, closing them down and going through it several times over.
Looks like we're all a bunch of lazy gits on here :p
Hehe no problem, and I thank you all for being honest :D
I'd rather know that it's a PITA than everyone not bother looking at all, and me not being any the wiser :)

I shall duly change the way it's set up :)
Good shots, wouldnt take my kit to some of those places though lol
scoff said:
Good shots, wouldnt take my kit to some of those places though lol

The one with the shopping trolly, my backside never left the drivers seat ;)
There's a secret for you :D I never even unlocked the doors.

Very run down part of Salford. Langworthy. Complete hole TBH. There were some excellent shots to be had, but I just didn't feel safe enough to get out of the car.

Being Manchester born and bred, I've grown up this sort of environment, and alot of my friends and some relatives are Salford people "man and boy", and I don't think many of them would happily walk about there anymore.
I must be missing something here. What is supposed to be a PITA? No extra clicks here. No pop-ups. Just pix that come two-by-two.

Marcel - great pix - shame about the funereal border ;)
2blue, all the images *were* clickable imageshack thumbnails, I've since changed the post to link to the images inline.
Thanks for the comment about the border. I decided a few months ago to 'standardise' my borders ready for my website, and couldn't decide between a black keyline and white border and the vice versa above....I've already been thinking that I chose the wrong one.

Carl, yup you guessed it (except the last two, they were the kit lens)
I've been dying to get out and try that 50mm that you lent me...try it properly, instead of just round the house, and this was the opportunity.
Boy is it an eye opener being fixed to 50mm, and having to move yourself to recompose rather than my usual lazy ways of twisting the zoom a bit.
Certainly does teach you to think a bit more.

The DOF at 1.8 and thereabouts is crazy. It's definately convinced me to get one, as soon as I can drum up the required funds.

BTW, for all the others. After my wanted post in the classifieds, asking for a Canon 50mm MkII, (partly to take pics of my sisters newborn), Carl very kindly offered to lend me his, which is what I used for most of these urban shots.
I don't mind black borders as such. Its just that I find yours a tad too heavy. But its a very personal thing.
Do you mean heavy as in thick, or heavy as in too dominant purely on the fact theyre black?
I'm inclined to agree TBH, I'm going "off" the black borders more each day.
Huh I've seen the exact same shopping cart and stairway on another forum by someone else, and what I can only guess was a photo of you. I think you've got a stalker! ;)

I see the same post further down the list of threads. He's here too! ;)
Marcel, I think it depends on the photo, some look better in white and some in black. As long as you set up both as actions in PS then its no biggie to try both.

Well the idea was, to have a standard frame that works well for ALL photos, the intent being for my personal website / gallery when it goes live. Doesn't look good having different borders IMO.