A few with the new Firecrest 16 stop ND

The first two are have various parts cropped off and TBH don't really show the potential of the filter.
Last is better in both senses but the distortion is bad and it's majorly off level.
The colour has badly visible Chromatic Abberation.
The first two are have various parts cropped off and TBH don't really show the potential of the filter.
Last is better in both senses but the distortion is bad and it's majorly off level.
The colour has badly visible Chromatic Abberation.
Thanks for your comments but the crops are intentional and i like the distortion that you get get from a uwa, if i was intending to shoot documentary shots i would have used my tilt shift, as for CA i don't see any.
I really like the shots - the extreme blur on the water is very impressive and effective.

I've just bought a ten-stop and a three stop to try stacking them for longer exposures. My Lee 10-stopper doesn't seem to give me long enough exposures.
Oh - and I can't see the alleged CA!
You have to view the bigger image on Flickr but yes, there is a fair amount of CA in a few places.
I quite like the first one. As for CA I had to view it up close to see any I think it is on the right of the building along the roof line a slight green edge but I really had to look hard to find it. Would this filter fit a Cokin P series holder?
no its 100x100 you need cokin Zpro, Lee or Hitech. i use Hitech
Yep looks a lot better here. I'm not a pixel peeper either, but there were a couple of areas where it was fairly noticeable (largely the main building roof on the right hand side and the building to the left with the grey roofing, where the light hits the join of the side/front).

Looks like it produces pretty nice images - enjoy it!
It's by far the most nuetral filter for colour cast i have ever used, there has been no colour correction in pp at all, i have the 10 stop and it gives a blue/grey tint to everything SOOC. Lee filters don't compare to this either.
It's hardly pixel peeping, and I could see it clearly on the forum - on a good screen it stood out. If you'd decided to print it and not noticed you'd have been disappointed when it arrived with visible CA.
Looks much improved without it.
If you're happy with the crops and distortion and that's what you were aiming for then you've achieved it and it's worked well.