A grumpy T- what is this on my photos?

Still using the ME? ANY manual flash will do, there's nothing to dedicate on it, no TTL, no cleverness, nothing.

Well looking at the manual on butkus.org it looks like you are right as the ME is only good for old flashguns with just the center terminal, but still some Vivitars have a flash trigger of 220v and wouldn't trust the camera to handle that.

Edit: Just tried a dedicated Canon flashgun on an old camera with just a center terminal and it fired..but not sure if it would give the right exposure though :shrug:
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We all like a haggle lol.... I appreciate you looking thank you:D

Well that will help the search too, thank you!

I always stress especially now when i get things so wrong, you do manage to find the bargains don't you!:D

Well on T&C we like to help, and with many members anything you you might want to buy or thinking of using, we fall over each other to offer advice....well ok it can get confusing at times :eek:But it might look like you can have more choice and use a cheaper flashgun for your ME, maybe a member can try a few flashguns on an ME to see if they can give the correct exposure. But the flashgun I have for about 20 years should be OK and is the Nissin 360 TW..but unfortunately the ones going for peanuts on the bay, the seller doesn't know how to test them :LOL: erm just press the white button.

edit: the Nissin works with the ME:-
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Cock-up in posting my error or software
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@Cg_Girl If you want I have a Vivitar Auto Thyristor 225 that I've not used for a few years, and your free to have it for the cost of the postage if you want it? (To keep within the rules I'll create a thread in the freebies section).

Its just a basic direct flash (no bounce etc) with a manual mode and two auto settings (one for a shorter exposure distance using a smaller aperture, one for a longer range with a wider aperture), but it should do the job, and will work fine with your ME (which will work with any flash). You don't need to worry about flash voltages etc as with cameras such as the ME theres no electronics for the voltage to harm, its when you get to later cameras with TTL flash exposure etc that you have to start worrying (plus my father used a Panasonic/National flash which had a 300V trigger with his ME Super for years and the camera is still good as new practically)

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I'm only getting a bit confused now!..:LOL::LOL: you guys are very helpful.... quite patient too:D
@Cg_Girl If you want I have a Vivitar Auto Thyristor 225 that I've not used for a few years, and your free to have it for the cost of the postage if you want it? (To keep within the rules I'll create a thread in the freebies section).

Its just a basic direct flash (no bounce etc) with a manual mode and two auto settings (one for a shorter exposure distance using a smaller aperture, one for a longer range with a wider aperture), but it should do the job, and will work fine with your ME (which will work with any flash). You don't need to worry about flash voltages etc as with cameras such as the ME theres no electronics for the voltage to harm, its when you get to later cameras with TTL flash exposure etc that you have to start worrying (plus my father used a Panasonic/National flash which had a 300V trigger with his ME Super for years and the camera is still good as new practically)


Sam that is very kind of you are you sure??
Sam that is very kind of you are you sure??

Absolutely fine, I got it quite cheap (<£6) a few years ago and having not used it for a long time (as I have a Vivitar 285 thats much more versatile) I've tried selling it on here and on ebay a few times, but it seems that nobody wants it so your welcome to it. Do you want me to place a thread in the freebies section? I'm going to be going past the post office later today so I can send it to you then if you want?
Absolutely fine, I got it quite cheap (<£6) a few years ago and having not used it for a long time (as I have a Vivitar 285 thats much more versatile) I've tried selling it on here and on ebay a few times, but it seems that nobody wants it so your welcome to it. Do you want me to place a thread in the freebies section? I'm going to be going past the post office later today so I can send it to you then if you want?

That would be ace thank you yes please, then PM your details over so i can cover postage(y):D
That would be ace thank you yes please, then PM your details over so i can cover postage(y):D

Hi, unfortunately I just tested the flash, and it seems to be completely dead for some reason which is strange as only about 3 months ago I tested it when I tried to sell it on ebay and it worked fine then. I've tried 2 sets of batteries, so I don't think their the problem but I'll have another look at it over the weekend and send it to you if it works. Sorry to get your hopes up if it doesn't work.

Hi, unfortunately I just tested the flash, and it seems to be completely dead for some reason which is strange as only about 3 months ago I tested it when I tried to sell it on ebay and it worked fine then. I've tried 2 sets of batteries, so I don't think their the problem but I'll have another look at it over the weekend and send it to you if it works. Sorry to get your hopes up if it doesn't work.


:LOL::LOL: Typical lol, no worries and thank you for the offer, that in itself is lovely
Hi, unfortunately I just tested the flash, and it seems to be completely dead for some reason which is strange as only about 3 months ago I tested it when I tried to sell it on ebay and it worked fine then. I've tried 2 sets of batteries, so I don't think their the problem but I'll have another look at it over the weekend and send it to you if it works. Sorry to get your hopes up if it doesn't work.


A common problem is usually slight corrosion on the terminals where the batteries go, maybe they need a clean.
no i was searching flashes for film cameras so that's ok, so non ded is fine and set to 1/125... always??

1/125 is the flash sync speed for the ME ( I think - check a manual for confirmation) so thats the fastest speed you can use - if you try to set a faster shutter you'll wind up with a partial black out - you can set slower if you wish (and there are various artistic reasons for doing so when mixing flash and ambient but you don't need to worry about them now)
(note that this is for the ME - if you get different cameras the sync speeds may be different , more modern/higher spec cameras tend to have 1/250 or 1/500). If you do intend to get pother film bodies, this is a good reason to get non dedicated so you can use it on multiple systems

NB: one proviso is don't for gods sake try and put it on your 550D , the trigger voltages on film flashes are higher and can damage the circuitry of a DSLR (although you could use it off camera with a radio or IR Trigger set up , maybe as a second flash for portraits etc )
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It's not for the DSLR i have no reason to try it on that, when i got one for that i would be more specific
Sure, I just thought i'd mention it - i'd rather point out the obvious, than not and have you fry 400 quids worth of camera because i seemed to say it would work on other systems.

incidentally you may find these links helpful - although some refer to things that won't be fully practical with the ME

http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=171657 (this refers to canon, but most of the points are transferable)
Flash sync is 1/100 on ME, not sure if it'll fire in auto mode I've never tried. If you wanted to use slower you'd have to make sure you set the ISO dial to get the meter to think it needed a slow shutter speed without adjusting the aperture. (assuming of course it will fire in auto)
if i remmber ill take some AA's and see if great western cameras in swindon have any flashes in their charity bin, that work, they sometimes do.

i use rf 602 yn wireless trigger system with a hotshoe adapter that has pc sync port, and get the flash power sorted out by using a dslr to take test shots, but im using modern yn 560 III, older flashes have less or different adjustments
Flash sync is 1/100 on ME, not sure if it'll fire in auto mode I've never tried. If you wanted to use slower you'd have to make sure you set the ISO dial to get the meter to think it needed a slow shutter speed without adjusting the aperture. (assuming of course it will fire in auto)

If I remember it will fire in auto, but not lock itself to 1/100th or below unless you use the dedicated Pentax flash with the additional hotshoe contaxt so you have to set it to the 100X setting when using any other flash.
so am i going to have a problem with the fact my camera is stuck on auto?
If I remember it will fire in auto, but not lock itself to 1/100th or below unless you use the dedicated Pentax flash with the additional hotshoe contaxt so you have to set it to the 100X setting when using any other flash.

There is no additional contact on the ME.

so am i going to have a problem with the fact my camera is stuck on auto?

Possibly, you'd normally turn it to 100x on the dial for flash sync. IF if fires in auto mode and you wanted to get creative then you'd need to be creative in making it work, but it can be done.
There is no additional contact on the ME.

Possibly, you'd normally turn it to 100x on the dial for flash sync. IF if fires in auto mode and you wanted to get creative then you'd need to be creative in making it work, but it can be done.

Bugger! although at this point i'm not bothered about getting to creative i just want to take indoor stuff over xmas
Bugger! although at this point i'm not bothered about getting to creative i just want to take indoor stuff over xmas

Well IMHO T...never use a camera you can't trust as you'll only have one Xmas 2013, and time is too short to test the camera out with a flashgun and get the results back to see if OK, even a Pentax flashgun (at any price) from Ebay might not work and would have to be sent back.......if your digital camera has inbuilt flash I'd use that :(
Shame you don't live near me as I'd lend you a camera with flashgun for your Xmas shots.
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Well IMHO T...never use a camera you can't trust as you'll only have one Xmas 2013, and time is too short to test the camera out with a flashgun and get the results back to see if OK, even a Pentax flashgun (at any price) from Ebay might not work and would have to be sent back.......if your digital camera has inbuilt flash I'd use that :(
Shame you don't live near me as I'd lend you a camera with flashgun for your Xmas shots.

Yep i get you and very true, the digital will be out too, My girl wanted a DSLR for xmas, she had planned on using all xmas money to get one but i've suggested for now she can have use of mine whenever she wants as i prefer film, so i know that will be there as a back up... i had thought maybe get a high asa roll for xmas, grainy yes but i may see if i like the grittier stuff
Yep i get you and very true, the digital will be out too, My girl wanted a DSLR for xmas, she had planned on using all xmas money to get one but i've suggested for now she can have use of mine whenever she wants as i prefer film, so i know that will be there as a back up... i had thought maybe get a high asa roll for xmas, grainy yes but i may see if i like the grittier stuff

Ah but that damn red eye with inbuilt flash :eek: One advantage of film (if you have the right camera) is you can use a sophisticated flashgun for about £12 that would cost a lot more money for the equivalent matching flashgun for a DSLr. Anyway have fun using your film camera (in a bright room of course ;) ) and happy Xmas...Oh and don't forget to post results.(y)
Oh well i'm sure i'll figure something somehow lol
Possibly, you'd normally turn it to 100x on the dial for flash sync. IF if fires in auto mode and you wanted to get creative then you'd need to be creative in making it work, but it can be done.

turning it to 100x just force sets the shutter speed to /100, so not being there shouldn't directly stop the flash from firing

if its still stuck on auto (I still suspect you could unstick it with a little judicious force (or servicing)) , as you don't have direct control over shutter speed you will need to make sure you have no higher than 1/125 by setting the appropriate aperture. If you are using a light meter or light meter app this shouldn't be a problem (be aware that the in camera meter may show this as underexposure if it doesn't 'realise' the flash is attached.

The other thing worth mentioning is that as far as I know this camera has never had a flash on the hot shoe, so I wouldn't be surprised if there is a certain amount of corrosion on the hotshoe contacts - it would be worth gently cleaning the hotshoe with a pencil rubber before attaching the flash for the first time.