A Horse....

Erin Shaw
Edit My Images
I think you have captured this quite well, although probly looks better in a larger size.
Reckon the horse owner would be pleased with this...
me personally its far too dark.. would be better if the horse was lightened up a bit,,

ps love your avater... class.
I like the lighting too.

I think the crop is good. Losing more below would make the horse look odd, and more above would lose some sense of scale and depth. IMHO. :)
I'm really not sure Erin. Like Andiphoto I think it's a bit dark and it's definitely lacking contrast. The background isn't particularly attractive either.

Having said that I think there is a shot in there, it just needs a bit of work. I've really quickly done this on an uncalibrated laptop so not sure what it would look like on a good screen. Purpose was to bring the horse out more. I haven't cropped it but think it could lose a bit off the top to improve it.

Hi everyone

Erin I prefer yours to Dod's as I think that the pony looks a bit sweaty and dirty on Dod's photo! I do agree that it needs a little bit of lightening up though. I think a crop would only work if the pony's legs were in the photo a bit more. Looks good though, I like it :-D
Hi everyone

Erin I prefer yours to Dod's as I think that the pony looks a bit sweaty and dirty on Dod's photo! I do agree that it needs a little bit of lightening up though. I think a crop would only work if the pony's legs were in the photo a bit more. Looks good though, I like it :-D
I think the edit certainly has more detail, but that under the circumstances becomes a little bit of a negative, the original has a mystical quality almost as if the horse were a Unicorn which is what i like.