A-level photography?

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Does anyone know much about this or, better, has anyone done A-level photography? What do you have to do/write/photograph/anything else? And of course, most importantly, should I take it?

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. :)

currently in the 1st year now studying 3 hours a week evening class course comprises of 1st year black and white film based developing own film and contact sheets and then printing your images based with a lot of research into famous photographers all images taken have to be linked to research academia
final assessment is 50% on images and 50% on research, throughout course having to maintain a course work diary I am finding it very challenging but at the same time loving it
I have just passed my Sixth Form application process for September, for this course.

A-Level photography involves research into the making of photography, where it all came from and the development. Film is used a lot during the course, however it also incorporates digital. There is a lot of coursework based areas, in which you are required to go off and take photos.

I would take it, as it sounds very interesting. I am an experienced photographer now with a rapidly growing kit, however I have been drawn to the course as it will expand my history knowledge in photography, as well as my film understanding - It will also give me a chance to use the old OM10.
I'm planning to start the 'A' Level course in September. I have the syllabus from the college so anyone wanting an idea I could e-mail it to them.
I did it and had a bad experience. The darkroom side of it was great and I learnt a lot in that respect, but I'd say nearly 75% of our course was written work and not really relevent. We had no guidance on any technical aspects, shutterspeed, aperture etc.

The teachers didnt even care about our photo's, if you could write a page essay of arty dribble about the 'deeper' meaning behind it you'd still get a good grade.

They seemed to fail to comprehend the fact that people might actually take photos for fun, without thinking too much, not just to try and start a revolution. We spent so many hours learning about marxism and other theories and movements that were only very loosely linked to photography.

I think we were just unlucky as other friends doing it at A level had it very differently.
Im in my second year of it. To be honest I've learnt very little and alot of the time the teacher is asking me for advice. The dark room aspect is interesting and its the only area I really learnt anything in... its probably worth doing the course just for that aspect to be honest. The course is alot of written work, if your place of study is anything like mine then there wont be many/any trips out with your class to take photos and its all pretty much down to you and your own determination/inspiration to get out there and shoot.

Like Jeff said, the course is pretty much about talking about the deep meaning behind a photo, Ive not been taught anything from the school about aperture/shutterspeed/iso and how the three link and thats all pretty much been learnt by me by using online forums such as this.

It seems to be pretty hit and miss as to whether your course is going to be taught well our not and I would recommend it for the dark room experience alone... but dont expect much else. You will get a far far better education and understanding of photography from places like this where like minded, helpful individuals all talk about the same subject... not in a classroom where 90% of people are doing it because they thought itd be a dossy subject.

Regards, James

P.s. hope I didnt put you off too much ;)