A misty sunrise on Ullswater

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#1. A 25 second exposure of "the" boathouse...

The Cliché by Martin Steele (Steelo26581), on Flickr

#2. Then the fog really rolled in, so took something different....that really is fog, this is straight off the camera besides mono conversion and a little sharpening...

Bleak by Martin Steele (Steelo26581), on Flickr

#3. And to the sunrise, one of the most magical i've been out to shoot...

Majestic Ullswater by Martin Steele (Steelo26581), on Flickr


Thank you! by Martin Steele (Steelo26581), on Flickr


From out of the mist... by Martin Steele (Steelo26581), on Flickr
damn damn damn a fourth damn.

Was up in lakeshire last Monday and tried to find THAT boathouse on Windemere and Conistion. I now know why I didn't!

All very nice.
A great set of pictures if I had to pick number 1 but I do like number two
Lovely set of images, very varied and all very good! If I'm choosing favourites, I like #1 and #3. What a cracking boathouse :)
No.1 is great........we have a picture of Ullswater hanging in the living room, always promised myself to go there but never have...........yet, looks a stunning place.
I really like #1 to #5! Oh sorry, that's all of them! :)

Beautiful photos from a beautiful part of the country.