a portrait of my 88 year old grandfather

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had lunch with a few of the family outside last friday and brought my camera down. Slightly limited insofar as i was using an 85mm lens for this shot, so quite a tight fit (missed top of his head, wasn't sure how vital that is for this kind of shot??). Any way, he didn't really like me taking too many shots of him, and was pulling faces most of the time, but i thought i caught him pretty well here:

Granpat by Rowan Hunn, on Flickr

thanks for looking :)
A first class portrait and all the better for the strong eye contact and the miffed expression. I'd maybe crop slightly on the right to try and level up his shoulders a bit as he looks slightly lopsided, but then again that shows it wasn't really posed!
Looking good and very distinguished
Given his attitude towards having a lens pointed at him for any length of time, it's a great shot - one I'd be proud of, certainly. And there's no rule that, for this type of shot, the tip of the head can't be cropped. It almost adds to the composition... Liking very much...
Brilliant shot! Love the sincereness of his expression towards the image being taken.