Critique A puppy & a kitten (separate pictures)

Cute, need to focus more on the eyes though and get them sharp.
Getting there, for some reason when I first commented the puppy never downloaded, now I can see it I do like that one.
Your second lot of kitten pics are better but still the eyes could do with a little work, are you doing any post editing?
If not and you have access to photoshop etc there is a tool that you can sharpen specific areas without touching the rest of the image..if you already know this forgive me for preaching :)
Thank John, I have a nasty habit of over sharpening things in photoshop (as you can see in the puppy shot :D) so I tend to just err on the side of caution and sharpen as little as possible. It doesn't matter what I try, I never seem to be able to get pin sharp eyes like I see other members posting. I guess it's down to technique (or lack of lol)