A quality point and shoot under £300?

Could you also consider the panasonic LX100?
TBH the Fuji XF1 and the Sony RX100III are about as close as Mcdonalds and the Fat Duck. If I had £600 to spend on a P&S THe XF1 wouldn't get a look in as its inferior in every way.

I do realise that with the price differences. Just wanted to see what one was like because a lot of people say it's a great camera.

Just watching a few videos of the panasonic LX100 now. Thanks for the recommendation (y)
I loved my XF1 until it broke. Not quite so enamoured with it at the moment!

£600 is RX100 / LX100 / X100 territory and they'd be a lot better. I also wouldn't rule out X30 or LX7 or GX1m2.

Lots of choice in the premium compact market these days.
Must admit the Sony RX100 is the one that started me off looking. It's still on my list as I got to play with it but it doesn't tick all the boxes I want now.

What I am after is a point and shoot. Good image quality, tilt screen. Camera I can use remote via a smartphone/tablet. I get a lot of small wildlife if my garden and it would be nice to be able to focus on something close up instead of shooting blind via a remote like I've been doing with my main camera.
I'm not a videoholic so I don't need the best of the best there. Just something that takes nice clips on the Grandkids birthdays would do.

I'm looking into everything that's been suggested so thanks for help (y)
Fuji XQ-1. Does that have the feature where you can use a smartphone or tablet to see the photo you are taking?
Well, £400 should be enough to pay the ransom on this thread hijack... ;)

Difficult to say without knowing more about what she wants.

RX100 is a fine camera, but lacks direct controls and a viewfinder. So if she wants lots of dials and a viewfinder it would be a terrible choice for her.

Also, is she 'into' photography, or does she just want something she can stick in auto and get 'good' shots? Is she up for processing, or are out of camera JPEG quality crucial?

Which is more important to her - long zoom range or wide aperture? Does she care about sensor size? Would she be happy with a fixed focal length camera? Is size/weight important?

So many questions...
You can get a G16 from Wex for around £240 using a PayPal voucher code and the Canon Winter Cashback. It's a great buy for that money, IMO.
I am looking at a decent compact too... was in John Lewis earlier and had a play with many as they had loads in (Cheadle near Manchester - even had D810).

LX100 is expensive and I thought it was heavy and quite big - lens stuck out quite a way and the VF did too. RX100 seemed ok, nice and compact, and seemed snappy to use (unlike the Panny TZ which were laggy). My current fav (although not tried it) Is the Fuji XQ1.
I thought I had found The camera yesterday. Bigger that the rx100 m3 and had everything I wanted. Tilt and touch screen, remote shooting via a smartphone, and it felt right in my hand. The Olympus stylus 1. I went and grabbed a coffee so I could look up some reviews only to be disappointed to read the image quality isn't good.

I keep seeing that the rx100 is the best camera. It's small and a bit fiddly for people with larger paws. The Canon G7 X is about the same size but is less fiddly.
I think it was the touchscreen that made it easier to use.

I'm still looking for the right camera for me. If I could find that Olly stylus 1 size with a better bit if glass in it that should do the job. Th Stylus 1 would fit in a jacket pocket but not a pair of jeans.
I believe the Fuji X30 will do wireless remote stuff... I can testify that the lens on the X10-X30 range is lovely, though I haven't used the later sensor (the EXR sensor in the X10 is a marvel, IMHO). More coat pocket than jeans pocket, though.
Ok. I made a buy. Canon G7 X, It has everything on it I wanted.

After doing weeks of research and playing with cameras I have made a silly mistake and still can't believe I done it. I didn't look to see if there was a other alternatives to the £60 Canon battery for it.

The battery is a NB-13L. Anyone know where I can get a good replacement battery? I'd rather have 2 spare Energizer batteries (or whatever make) than one just because it has Canon printed on it.
As it's a (relatively) new camera, I imagine the after-market boys will be along soon. Unless you know someone in or visiting the US - they're only about $48 from B&H, so practically half the UK price....

Bit more than you intended to spend initially I guess, but it looks like a terrific bit of kit. :clap:
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As it's a (relatively) new camera, I imagine the after-market boys will be along soon. Unless you know someone in or visiting the US - they're only about $48 from B&H, so practically half the UK price....

Bit more than you intended to spend initially I guess, but it looks like a terrific bit of kit. :clap:

I have cousins in America. I think an email is in order (y)
I see the deed's been done and missed the increase in budget! Would have said the X-30, available from Park at £455 then £50 cashback from Fuji (other dealers might price match for good customers...)

WiFi remote with smartphones (Android and frooty loopers)
Tilt but not touch screen (but the tablet/phone screen remote allows some touch control and with the eye level finder, noses make too many unwanted adjustments with touchscreens...)
Well under the revised budget
Looks great!