A selection from my camping trip :D


Jo Fisher
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We got back at about 2am this morning, having had a very leasurely drive home stopping off here and there.

I really enjoyed our camping trip, but I am glad to be home. I am sporting a fantastically swollen pair of legs and ankles though! I was worried my skin would split at one point yesterday they are that bad :puke:

1. Saltwick Bay. Couldn't make it round to Black Nab, so I made do with this view instead.

2. Whitby Harbour. We had a mostly dry time, but we did get frequent stormy skies!

3. Whitby Pier

4. Whitby Harbour Mouth. I processed this one in the tent :LOL: I think it's a little dark so I'll probably re do it at some point.

That's it for now. Though you are more than welcome to have a look at the rest on my Flickr (see link in my signature) :)

Thanks for looking!

loving the pano Jo, great colours and sky :)
that last one is pretty heavy on the processing but i think it works well. its dramatic and i guess overly so but you've done it in a way where it's easy to suspend disbelief and take it all in.

i like. :D
If I could criticise at all it would be to say that the shots, with the exception of #1, are just a bit busy. The one of Whitby harbour mouth, for example, finds the eye drawn off in all directions by the sailboats. But, hey, I looked at your portfolio on flikr, and there are some seriously stunning shots there. I find myself particularly drawn to those landscapes that you have processed with some mild HDR work, which I find personally intriguing given that I have reservations about the HDR thing....

... but then I guess I am flirting with it myself, and I want to see what it looks like when its done properly..
Thanks all :)

Horricks, I know what you mean about being busy, but I didn't want to spend too much time editing, and Mr Fisher wasn't so keen on early starts or late nights to try and avoid people and other busy aspects :LOL:
No 1. I really like. To me just the right amount of procesiing. The others as has been mentioned are a little too busy, just my take though Jo.
By the way are you still looking to move ?
Thanks Ceejay :)

RE the move ... Well it's still a possibility, but not as strong as before.
A really good set. My favourite is No2 but I just love the sky in all of them(y)(y)
No 2 is one of the best 'Whitby Harbour ' shots I've ever seen, and that's a sky to die for, giving drama, tension, mood and a hint of menace.

Was it taken from the churchyard next to the Abbey?
Thanks again everyone :D

No 2 is one of the best 'Whitby Harbour ' shots I've ever seen, and that's a sky to die for, giving drama, tension, mood and a hint of menace.

Was it taken from the churchyard next to the Abbey?

:confused: Wow thanks Les, that means heaps coming from you! Yes it was taken from the church yard. In all the times I have been to Whitby that was the first time I had seen the harbour from there. It was a breathtaking view :)